Ziggo - Connectbox

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Ziggo - Connectbox

Post by sincze »

Currently working on extracting information from the Ziggo Connect box.

As I've mine in BRIDGE mode it may be less interesting compared to having it as a router.
Came to the idea as I had several reboots so wanted to know the rootcause.

Ziggo-Connect.png (184.77 KiB) Viewed 2151 times
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
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Re: Ziggo - Connectbox

Post by sincze »

Lot's of info is available.
Ziggo-Connect2.png (223.47 KiB) Viewed 2150 times
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
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Re: Ziggo - Connectbox

Post by sincze »

For ZIggo Boxes in Router mode it could do some presence detection as well.

Code: Select all

Title Connect Box
Operational Status 1
Operator ZIGGO
Uptime 43day(s)21h:50m:0s
Found host 1: Galaxy-Tab-A7 with ip address: 192.168.178.***/24
Found host 2: A53-van-**** with ip address: 192.168.178.**/24
Found host 3: A53-van-**** with ip address: 192.168.178.**/24
Found host 4: *****-mysimplelink with ip address: 192.168.178.***/24
Found host 5: One with ip address: 192.168.178.***/24
Found host 6: pi with ip address: 192.168.178.**/24
Found host 7: RingPro with ip address: 192.168.178.***/24
Found host 8: Galaxy-Tab-A-2016 with ip address: 192.168.178.***/24
Found host 9: HP744 with ip address: 192.168.178.***/24
Found host 10: Galaxy-Tab-A8 with ip address: 192.168.178.***/24
Found host 11: *****-mysimplelink with ip address: 192.168.178.***/24
Device Temperatuur is: 59
Tunner Temperatuur is: 79
Device Operational State is: OPERATIONAL
Device Docsis Version: DOCSIS 3.0
Device MTA Last event: 2022-09-05 04:44:10
Device MTA event priority: error
Device MTA event code: 3000000002
Device MTA Last event message: MTA RESET: CM:50 
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
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Re: Ziggo - Connectbox

Post by edwin1234 »

How u got the info in bridge mode
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Re: Ziggo - Connectbox

Post by sincze »

Bridge mode was 1 phone call to Ziggo. Waited 5 minutes and voila the LED went from WHITE (Router) to GREEN (Bridge).
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
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Re: Ziggo - Connectbox

Post by Treve »

What’s the connection/relation from this box to Domoticz?
- RFXtrx433E,
- AEON Labs ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 EU
- Hue v2.1
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Raspbian Stretch Full on USB-Stick.
- Domoticz 4.11474
Devices: KaKu, Z-Wave, Hue.

for testing:
Raspberry 4, 2GB, SSD
Domoticz 2022.1
Ikea Hub, Fyrtur curtain
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Re: Ziggo - Connectbox

Post by sincze »

If you want to retrieve information from your Ziggo Connect-Box.

You can give this a try.
https://github.com/sincze/Domoticz/blob ... /ziggo.php

I have the install running on my device in Bridge Mode.

Code: Select all

Title Connect Box
Operational Status 1
Operator ZIGGO
Uptime 1day(s)3h:44m:1s
Serienummer ****
Device Temperatuur is: 50
Tunner Temperatuur is: 65
Device Operational State is: OPERATIONAL
Device Docsis Version: DOCSIS 3.0
Device MTA Last event: 2022-10-18 04:26:02
Device MTA event priority: error
Device MTA event code: 3000000002
Device MTA Last event message: MTA RESET: CM:50 
Device log:
27-01-2023 22:09:45 critical No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
28-01-2023 10:23:53 error DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option
28-01-2023 11:08:38 notice GUI Token verify failed
28-01-2023 13:08:27 notice Reset to Factory defaults initiated by reset button
28-01-2023 13:12:17 notice Illegal -  Dropped FORWARD packet: SRC=**** MAC=****
28-01-2023 13:12:17 warning MIMO Event MIMO: Stored MIMO=-1 post cfg file MIMO=-1
28-01-2023 13:12:18 notice Illegal -  Dropped FORWARD packet: SRC=**** MAC=****
01-01-1970 01:01:25 notice Cable Modem Reboot -  eRouter operation mode from gateway to bridge
28-01-2023 13:14:55 warning MIMO Event MIMO: Stored MIMO=-1 post cfg file MIMO=-1
28-01-2023 13:15:06 notice REGISTRATION COMPLETE - Waiting for Operational status
28-01-2023 14:15:25 notice GUI Token verify failed
29-01-2023 08:35:07 critical No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
Another install whilst the Connect-Box is in DHCP mode.

Code: Select all

Title Connect Box
Operational Status 1
Operator ZIGGO
Uptime 77day(s)19h:52m:49s
Found host 1: Mediabox with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 100 Mbit
Found host 2: HF-**** with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 52 Mbit
Found host 3: A53**** with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 292 Mbit
Found host 4: One**** with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 58 Mbit
Found host 5: 4C2**** with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 52 Mbit
Found host 6: 343**** with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 52 Mbit
Found host 7: raspberry with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 72 Mbit
Found host 8: RingPro with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 81 Mbit
Found host 9: Galaxy-Tab-A7 with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 292 Mbit
Found host 10: A53**** with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 351 Mbit
Found host 11: Galaxy-Tab-A8 with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 58 Mbit
Found host 12: HP**** with ip address: ****/24 and Speed: 52 Mbit
Ring Doorbell Online
Device Temperatuur is: 57
Tunner Temperatuur is: 80
Device Operational State is: OPERATIONAL
Device Docsis Version: DOCSIS 3.0
Device MTA Last event: 2022-11-12 14:15:13
Device MTA event priority: error
Device MTA event code: 3000000002
Device MTA Last event message: MTA RESET: CM:50 
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
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