EvoHome connected to WebAPI but not addl Y87RF/WiFi Thermostat with WiFi Gateway

For Evohome related questions in Domoticz

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EvoHome connected to WebAPI but not addl Y87RF/WiFi Thermostat with WiFi Gateway

Post by malbertone »


I have in my Honeywell Resideo account two items, one associated to a EvoHome with floor heating device and 8 zones controlling the heater, plus an addl thermostat (Y87RF) with Wifi Gateway.
Once configured my account credentials in Domoticz, using the Evohome via Web API even without clicking on Create Devices can see the list of zones plus the switch/ evotouch in the list of devices, but cannot see the addl thermostat which is reported by the Resideo page at Locations page

Is this expected, and eventually is there any other way to connect that thermostat to Domoticz ?

thanks a lot!
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