Extra Raspberry PI GPIO's as device

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Extra Raspberry PI GPIO's as device

Post by DomoticaRob »

Can I use a extra Rasperry Pi (not the Domoticz server) as a device? I want to use a Raspberry Pi with Wifi dongle and a 16 channel relais board connected to the GPIO. I want to control the relais with a Lua script.
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Re: Extra Raspberry PI GPIO's as device

Post by ycahome »

Duplicate post: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=16880
you can delete one of the two from edit page

Why you don't build a second domoticz and connect it to your existing as a "remote server"?
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Re: Extra Raspberry PI GPIO's as device

Post by DomoticaRob »

Hello ycahome,

Thanks for the tip.

Today I build a second Raspberry Pi with Domoticz and prepared the Slave and the Master with the username and password. In the Slave I made a device for one of the GPIO ports. On the slave I can control that GPIO port.

Unfortunately I don’t see the Slave in the Master. The Wiki says that both systems must have the same software version. My Master is V3.4834 and my Slave is V3.5877. So, in fact I need to update my Master. When I go to Setup>Check for Updates he says ‘no update available’ That is strange.

I must say that every time I want to add or change something to the Domoticz system it is a struggle through the Wiki and the different topics on the Forum. Many times I find the answer somewhere else on the Internet. So, I am going to search for an answer. Maybe you have the solution for me.

Kind regards,

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Re: Extra Raspberry PI GPIO's as device

Post by ycahome »

Here are some tips:
1.make sure that on "settings" you are following the same type of updates. "Beta" or "stable"
2.you can try to update from ssh. Inside domoticz folder there is an update script
3.in order remote devices to be created to the master, "allow new hardware" should be pressed.
4.some dummy devices cannot be replicated in the current "stable" version. Am currently using latest beta for this reason.
5. Devices to-be-replicated should be enabled on the selected user.Note the button far right on the username row.

Let me know if this is helpful to you......
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Re: Extra Raspberry PI GPIO's as device

Post by DomoticaRob »

Hello Ycahome,

After three installations is succeeded. I have no idea what went wrong the first two times. But it works, even with different versions of Domoticz on the master and the slave.


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Re: Extra Raspberry PI GPIO's as device

Post by homeJLB »

Is this still the preferred way to get different raspberry pi's in Domoticz ?

I believe there is now the pigpio library
on the command line I can run

Code: Select all

PIGPIO_ADDR= pigs hwver
for a different raspberry on my network.

Is there a way to integrate this in Domoticz ?

Code: Select all

PIGPIO_ADDR= pigs r 21
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