There is new function to change device type, icon and some behavior depending on the device (e.g open/close instead of on/off).
For fully control you can remove Image_Override from config.
To change device type, add to discription for your device in domoticz:
Code: Select all
devicetype = oven
Code: Select all
devicetype: 'oven'
light, ac_unit, bathtub, coffemaker, dishwasher, dryer, fan, heater, kettle, media, microwave, outlet, oven, speaker, switch, vacuum, washer, waterheater, window, gate, garage.
For heater, kettle, waterheater, oven you can also use merge_thermo_idx to merge thermostat to control temperature.
Code: Select all
devicetype = oven
merge_thermo_idx = 432
Selector devices can choose only vacuum
Feedback is appreciated