District Heating / City Heating (Stadsverwarming) Mysensor IR sender/Receiver

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Re: District Heating / City Heating (Stadsverwarming) Mysensor IR sender/Receiver

Post by AndiiiHD »

strategy wrote: Sunday 07 October 2018 21:45 By the way I found a document describing all registers within the KAMPSTRUP. The fields are named in german but anyway it maybe interesting for you as well:

http://datenblatt.stark-elektronik.de/M ... _Daten.pdf
Starting at page 105
As a nativ German speaker i think i found an importend hint in this documentation, so let me translate this for you:

"11.3.1 Stromsparendes optisches Auge
Der Kreislauf um das optische Auge herum ist um einen Magnetfühler verbessert worden, der nur einen Strom-
verbrauch zum optischen Auge erlaubt, wenn ein Magnet (optischer Lesekopf) am Zähler angebracht ist."

This means that the kamstrup has a magnetic Sensor around the optical eye area built in, so that it will be only sending Data If a Magnet is used in that area. Otherwise the IR will be disabled!

But sadly for me it didn't send any Data even i had used an magnetic IR Reader from eBay
Pic: https://ibb.co/r5TyZZm
Even Pressing the Play Key did Not Change anything. The LEDs are DARK on my kamstrup 602
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