motion sensor

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motion sensor

Post by denismsd »

hello everyone, I need help with a blockly, if my motion sensor does not detect it for 20 minutes it turns off the living room light and kitchen light
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Re: motion sensor

Post by Treve »

denismsd wrote:hello everyone, I need help with a blockly, if my motion sensor does not detect it for 20 minutes it turns off the living room light and kitchen light
Can you give a better explanation of your problem?
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Re: motion sensor

Post by denismsd »

thanks for the feedback, I have 2 lamps in the room, and sometimes I forget the lamps are on, so I put an esp8266 wemos d1, inside a presence sensor I configured it with tasmota, now every time there is movement in the room it sends a signal to domoticz . I wanted to put a rule with blockly , if the presence sensor is not detected for 20 minutes it turns off the lamps .
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Re: motion sensor

Post by waltervl »

Check this example viewtopic.php?t=27398
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Re: motion sensor

Post by willemd »

1) create a device that counts from 1 to 20 (or vice versa if you want a countdown)
2) trigger the device every minute and increase the value with 1
2) if 20 is reached then switch of the lights
3) if motion is detected then reset the counter
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