You wonder:
No, don't worry.regarding the new functionality in the smartnora nodes to filter out topics.
my guess is that when you use this functionality it will create a lot of workload on nora since every nodes gets multiple communication strings
You have already a switch, just after the MQTT input node. This splits e.g. the On/Off switches and the dimmers, plus anything else you want to add.
So only devices with msg.payload.switchType === On/Off will come trough.
How many do you have in your house? I have at the moment 10 pieces.
Domoticz sends only a message as the switch is updated, so in this case, if it is switched from Off to On or On to Off.
How often do you operate the switches from Domoticz, either manual, included in a scene, part of a script or timer based?
Not that often, that it will become a problem for the SmartNora node.
I do not think so. I think extra nodes make the flow more complex and may cause also a workload.If i leave the switch in place this will reduce this workload a lot