energy usage data from Tasmota Plugs to Domoticz

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energy usage data from Tasmota Plugs to Domoticz

Post by Stokie21 »

Hi All,

I have some plugs that i flashed with Tasmota. when you goto the web interface of the plug via a local ip address it will show the energy usage of the plug. Is there a way to get this information into Domoticz?

I will have 16 of these plugs so if possible i would also like to keep it as tidy as possible


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Re: energy usage data from Tasmota Plugs to Domoticz

Post by waltervl »

You should be able to do that with MQTT Autodiscover. You have to switch MQTT Autodiscover on in Tasmota and have a MQTT Broker running.
Further use instructions on wiki ... Gateway.22

Edit: See also ... figuration
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