D-Link DCS8000LH IP Camera & Domoticz

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D-Link DCS8000LH IP Camera & Domoticz

Post by elzorrovega »

Hello All,

When I joined the Domoticz community, we already had in our possession two IP Cameras: D-Link DCS8000LH and SOMFY SomfyOne. These two are working via independent cloud server applications connected via clients apps on the iPhone and I would like to integrate them to Domoticz. The greatest peeve is to have to rely upon someone else’s infrastructure to monitor our home. Domoticz provides the freedom /responsibility to depend upon yourself to do to job.

The two cameras are in our LAN and they can be pinged. They work normally but with their respective apps.

I reviewed both WIKI and Forum for any reference about both equipment. Visited the site http://www.ispyconnect.com/sources.aspx. Although I tried various user/password combinations when adding a camera in setup, I was not able to connect to camera to Domoticz.

I found a link to a YouTube post where it seems that one must reset equipment until cloud base services are not automatically installed but there is a chance that camera becomes a “brick”/useless.

Before embarking on this quest, is there someone else who succeeded and how?

Your comments/help is most welcomed!

El Zorro
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Re: D-Link DCS8000LH IP Camera & Domoticz

Post by FireWizard »

Hi, @elzorrovega,

According to https://github.com/bmork/defogger it will never work, as local access seems to be missing, But perhaps this link is still useful for you.

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Re: D-Link DCS8000LH IP Camera & Domoticz

Post by elzorrovega »

Hello FireWizard,

Thanks for your prompt response.

I see that the link explains that the equipment’s firmware must be a certain version if one is to communicate with it.

When I have more time on my hands I will read this carefully and evaluate how risky it is compared to the default reset proposed by another internet post.

I will update my post with whatever results I manage to get.

Best regards :mrgreen:
The solution to the problem changes the problem!

Rasberry Pi 4 Model B; Bullseye -64 bit OS 6.1.21-v8+ #1642
Domoticz Version: 2024.7
zwave-js: 12.4.4 home id: 3714679688 home hex: 0xdd698388
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