Enable lights by motion detection camera

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Enable lights by motion detection camera

Post by woltehrtl »

Hi all,

What i want to do is as follow:
When my camera detects motion (foscam c1), the lights must be go on and after a time, the lights must be go off automatically.
I have added the camera and the lights in domoticz and thats working.
In domoticz the camera don't have a idx unlike the lights.
How can i make the link between the motion of the camera and the lights?

The web interface of the camera is configured when motion is detected, the images are forwarded to an ftp server.
Do i have to add a dummy switch and configure the dummy switch with an script or something?
Or is this only possible with a real motion detector?
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Re: Enable lights by motion detection camera

Post by besix »

This is a bad idea because the motion detection in the camera is not as good as the PIR sensor.
At night, the insects will turn on the lights every now and then
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Re: Enable lights by motion detection camera

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @woltehrtl ,

As you, already said, the camera has no idx. What you need is that, if motion is detected, a (dummy) switch is activated.
In Domoticz, you see the picture of the camera, but you do not need an idx for the camera. I assume you can see the camera picture on e.g. a floorplan and also you can operate a switch, but still there is no relation with a motion.

You want to make a link between the motion of the camera and the switch. So first you need to detect the motion (in Domoticz).


In principal you are right, that a PIR is more reliable than the motion detection of a camera, as this is based on infra-red.
However the concern of insects is not that high. Of course, it may happen that a spider is walking over the camera lens and activate a motion trigger.
But it will not happen multiple times a night. If so, then it is time for cleaning.

I created for myself a similar setup with D-Link camera's and tested it over a long period, and had no unwanted alarms.
This is used as a simple intrusion detection system and works fine.

Quick overview of the setup.

Uses Domoticz and Node Red.

1. Preconfigured camera sends a picture to a FTP server
See: https://github.com/svrooij/ipcam2mqtt
This creates the "switch" for motion.

2. MQTT to Node Red.

3. Use Tensorflow for object detection, so only persons are detected and a switch is activated.
So you can leave your dog and cat walking around in case the system is armed.

4. Uses "Alarmico" nodes is Node Red.

5. MQTT Alarm operator panel (https://github.com/thanksmister/android ... larm-panel)

6. Uses also "Security" switch in Domoticz

7. Send picture by email

7. Push notification

8. Whats-app notification

9. Activate lights,

10. Alarm through Google Home Mini's and Nest Hub

11. Camera monitoring in case someone tries to jam the network

This gives you an idea, for details send me a PM.
But it will take some time to build it.

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