Some screens not clickable

Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

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Some screens not clickable

Post by toro »


I have a strange problem with a few of my Dashticz screens.
On screen 2 and 6 I cannot change or click on anything on the screen.
Not even a google map or the OWM widget.
Only the screen select buttons at the bottom work.

When I use the element selection tool in the developer console, is looks as if the whole screen in one element.
It gets highlighted and this is shown:
Dascticz screen problem.jpg
Dascticz screen problem.jpg (48.22 KiB) Viewed 345 times

As a test, I copied the settings for screen 1 to screen 2 in config.js. So both screens have the same columns. Screen 1 works ok, screen 2 still having the same problem.

I updated from 3.8.11 beta to 3.9.5 beta, but this had no effect.

Any idea what the problem can be?
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Re: Some screens not clickable

Post by HansieNL »

Is this the same kind of problem as this:
Blah blah blah
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Re: Some screens not clickable

Post by toro »

No, this is something different.
I checked different browsers, also inprivate en Fully Kiosk. All have the same problem with screen 2 and 6.
This shows if I move the mouse to the lower end of the screen while in element select mode in developer console:
Dascticz screen problem2.jpg
Dascticz screen problem2.jpg (78.73 KiB) Viewed 306 times

Left and right also highlight triangles.
Look like something is positioned over the actual screen.
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Re: Some screens not clickable

Post by Lokonli »

Which swipe effect do you use?
Can you try with the default setting?

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Re: Some screens not clickable

Post by toro »

Ah Lokonli, you are on the right track!
I use the cube effect.
I have tried the others now and they al work ok. If I set it back to cube again, the problem returns.
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