Z-Wave factfile: Qubino ZMNHAA2 Flush 1 Relay

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Z-Wave factfile: Qubino ZMNHAA2 Flush 1 Relay

Post by ThinkPad »

Qubino (part of GOAP)


Relay to be build into wallbox behind lightswitch. Has 3 inputs for switches, possibility to add temperature sensor (DS18B20).
Also has power measurement.

Z-Wave+ AKA GEN5
No (?)

Not as far as i know

Device Library from http://www.pepper1.net

Manuals from manuals.zwaveeurope.com and doc.eedomus.com:
http://www.benext.eu/static/manual/qubi ... MNHAA2.pdf

Domoticz experience

Code: Select all

019 (0x13)	Unknown	Qubino ZMNHAA2 Flush 1 Relay	2015-12-21 21:20:10	No	
Works great. Many possibilities with these small modules
No polling needed

ZMNHAA2_config.PNG (53.84 KiB) Viewed 9533 times
ZMNHAA2_devices.PNG (50.78 KiB) Viewed 9534 times
zwcfg_0xaaaaaaa.xml sample:

Code: Select all

	<Node id="19" name="Qubino gang" location="" basic="4" generic="16" specific="1" type="Binary Power Switch" listening="true" frequentListening="false" beaming="true" routing="true" max_baud_rate="40000" version="4" query_stage="Complete">
		<Manufacturer id="0159" name="Qubino">
			<Product type="0002" id="0002" name="ZMNHAA2 Flush 1 Relay" />
			<CommandClass id="32" name="COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC" version="1">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Instance index="2" endpoint="1" />
				<Instance index="3" endpoint="2" />
			<CommandClass id="37" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY" version="1" request_flags="5" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Value type="bool" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="Switch" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="False" />
			<CommandClass id="39" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_ALL" version="1" request_flags="5" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Value type="list" genre="system" instance="1" index="0" label="Switch All" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" vindex="3" size="1">
					<Item label="Disabled" value="0" />
					<Item label="Off Enabled" value="1" />
					<Item label="On Enabled" value="2" />
					<Item label="On and Off Enabled" value="255" />
			<CommandClass id="48" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_BINARY" version="1">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Instance index="2" endpoint="1" />
				<Instance index="3" endpoint="2" />
				<Value type="bool" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="Sensor" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="False" />
				<Value type="bool" genre="user" instance="2" index="0" label="Sensor" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="False" />
				<Value type="bool" genre="user" instance="3" index="0" label="Sensor" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="False" />
				<SensorMap index="0" type="73" />
				<SensorMap index="0" type="182" />
				<SensorMap index="0" type="188" />
				<SensorMap index="0" type="191" />
			<CommandClass id="49" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL" version="3" request_flags="1" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="1" label="Temperature" units="C" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="-999.9" />
			<CommandClass id="50" name="COMMAND_CLASS_METER" version="3" request_flags="3" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="Energy" units="kWh" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="0.0" />
				<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="1" label="Previous Reading" units="kWh" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="0.0" />
				<Value type="int" genre="user" instance="1" index="2" label="Interval" units="seconds" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="-2147483648" max="2147483647" value="1" />
				<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="8" label="Power" units="W" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="0.0" />
				<Value type="bool" genre="user" instance="1" index="32" label="Exporting" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="False" />
				<Value type="button" genre="system" instance="1" index="33" label="Reset" units="" read_only="false" write_only="true" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" />
			<CommandClass id="96" name="COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_INSTANCE/CHANNEL" version="3" request_flags="1" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
			<CommandClass id="112" name="COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION" version="1" request_flags="5" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="Input 1 switch type" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="1" vindex="1" size="1">
					<Item label="Mono-stable switch type (push button)" value="0" />
					<Item label="Bi-stable switch type" value="1" />
				<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="Input 2 contact type" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="1" vindex="0" size="1">
					<Item label="NO (normaly open) input type" value="0" />
					<Item label="NC (normaly close) input type" value="1" />
				<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="Input 3 contact type" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="1" vindex="0" size="1">
					<Item label="NO (normaly open) input type" value="0" />
					<Item label="NC (normaly close) input type" value="1" />
				<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="Activate / deactivate functions ALL ON/ALL OFF" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="255" vindex="0" size="1">
					<Help>Flush 1 relay module responds to commands ALL ON / ALL OFF that may be sent by the main controller or by other controller belonging to the system.</Help>
					<Item label="ALL ON active, ALL OFF active" value="255" />
					<Item label="ALL ON is not active ALL OFF is not active" value="0" />
					<Item label="ALL ON is not active ALL OFF active" value="1" />
					<Item label="ALL ON active ALL OFF is not active" value="2" />
				<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="11" label="Automatic turning off relay after set time" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="65535" value="0">
					<Help>0 - Auto OFF disabled. 1 - 65535 => 0,01 second - 655,35 seconds. Auto OFF enabled with define time, step is 10mseconds. Default value 0</Help>
				<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="30" label="Saving the state of the relay after a power failure" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="1" vindex="0" size="1">
					<Item label="Flush 1relay module saves its state before power failure (it returns to the last position saved before a power failure)" value="0" />
					<Item label="Flush 1relay module does not save the state after a power failure, it returns to off position." value="1" />
				<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="40" label="Power reporting in Watts on power change" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="100" value="3">
					<Help>Set value from 0 - 100 (0%- 100%). 0 - Reporting Disabled. 1 - 100 = 1% - 100% Reporting enabled. Power report is send (push) only when actual power in Watts in real time change for more than set percentage comparing to previous actual power in Watts, step is 1%. Default value 3</Help>
				<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="42" label="Power reporting in Watts by time interval" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="65535" value="300">
					<Help>Set value means time interval (0 - 65535) in seconds, when power report is send. 0 - Reporting Disabled. 1 - 65535 = 1second - 65535 seconds. Reporting enabled. Power report is send with time interval set by entered value. Default value 300 (power report in Watts is send each 300s)</Help>
			<CommandClass id="114" name="COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC" version="1" request_flags="5" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
			<CommandClass id="115" name="COMMAND_CLASS_POWERLEVEL" version="1" request_flags="5" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Value type="list" genre="system" instance="1" index="0" label="Powerlevel" units="dB" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" vindex="0" size="1">
					<Item label="Normal" value="0" />
					<Item label="-1dB" value="1" />
					<Item label="-2dB" value="2" />
					<Item label="-3dB" value="3" />
					<Item label="-4dB" value="4" />
					<Item label="-5dB" value="5" />
					<Item label="-6dB" value="6" />
					<Item label="-7dB" value="7" />
					<Item label="-8dB" value="8" />
					<Item label="-9dB" value="9" />
				<Value type="byte" genre="system" instance="1" index="1" label="Timeout" units="seconds" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="255" value="0" />
				<Value type="button" genre="system" instance="1" index="2" label="Set Powerlevel" units="" read_only="false" write_only="true" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" />
				<Value type="byte" genre="system" instance="1" index="3" label="Test Node" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="255" value="0" />
				<Value type="list" genre="system" instance="1" index="4" label="Test Powerlevel" units="dB" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" vindex="0" size="1">
					<Item label="Normal" value="0" />
					<Item label="-1dB" value="1" />
					<Item label="-2dB" value="2" />
					<Item label="-3dB" value="3" />
					<Item label="-4dB" value="4" />
					<Item label="-5dB" value="5" />
					<Item label="-6dB" value="6" />
					<Item label="-7dB" value="7" />
					<Item label="-8dB" value="8" />
					<Item label="-9dB" value="9" />
				<Value type="short" genre="system" instance="1" index="5" label="Frame Count" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="-32768" max="32767" value="0" />
				<Value type="button" genre="system" instance="1" index="6" label="Test" units="" read_only="false" write_only="true" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" />
				<Value type="button" genre="system" instance="1" index="7" label="Report" units="" read_only="false" write_only="true" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" />
				<Value type="list" genre="system" instance="1" index="8" label="Test Status" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" vindex="0" size="1">
					<Item label="Failed" value="0" />
					<Item label="Success" value="1" />
					<Item label="In Progress" value="2" />
				<Value type="short" genre="system" instance="1" index="9" label="Acked Frames" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="-32768" max="32767" value="0" />
			<CommandClass id="133" name="COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION" version="1" request_flags="5" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Associations num_groups="4">
					<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Output Q state" auto="true">
						<Node id="1" />
					<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Input I2 state" auto="true">
						<Node id="1" />
					<Group index="3" max_associations="5" label="Input I3 state" auto="true">
						<Node id="1" />
					<Group index="4" max_associations="1" label="Default reporting" auto="true">
						<Node id="1" />
			<CommandClass id="134" name="COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION" version="1" request_flags="5" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Value type="string" genre="system" instance="1" index="0" label="Library Version" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="3" />
				<Value type="string" genre="system" instance="1" index="1" label="Protocol Version" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="3.67" />
				<Value type="string" genre="system" instance="1" index="2" label="Application Version" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="1.12" />
Quite expensive, but they are definitely recommended. Very compact and work great.
The switch input (L1) expects a neutral (blue in NL), but if you switch L and N at the module, you can put live (brown) into the L1 socket and it works without a problem. In NL the wire coming from the switch is almost always the live wire.
Great benefit is that it can work with bi-stable switches (on/off lightbutton) and with monostable switchs (pulsebutton like a doorbell).

This specific product seems to be end of life and is not produced anymore i thought.
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Re: Z-Wave factfile: Qubino ZMNHAA2 Flush 1 Relay

Post by Domosapiens »

Interesting device ThinkPad!
The switch input (L1) expects a neutral (blue in NL), but if you switch L and N at the module, you can put live (brown) into the L1 socket and it works without a problem. In NL the wire coming from the switch is almost always the live wire.
For better understanding:
Quibino ZMNHAA2 diagram.JPG
Quibino ZMNHAA2 diagram.JPG (33.27 KiB) Viewed 9525 times
Connecting the Dallas DS18B20 found here
But ..... be careful, there is direct connection from sensor gnd pin to AC live!
Qubino 1.25mm 3-Pin JST Connector DS18B20.jpg
Qubino 1.25mm 3-Pin JST Connector DS18B20.jpg (167.76 KiB) Viewed 9525 times
Combined with your trick ThinkPad, I assume that the ground of the DS18B20 is connected to the Live Lead (=Brown in NL).
Reader be aware!
Win Vista&7; 1#Aeon Z-Stick S2; 1#Aeotec Z-Sick Gen5, 6#Fib.FGBS001; 24#DS18B20; 8#Everspr.AN158-2; 3#Philio PAN04; 1#Philio PAN06, 1#YouLess El; 1#Fib.FGWPE; 1#ZME_RC2; 2#FAK_ZWS230, 2#Quib.ZMNHCDx, 1#Quib.ZMNHDD1, 7#EM6555
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Re: Z-Wave factfile: Qubino ZMNHAA2 Flush 1 Relay

Post by ThinkPad »

Domosapiens wrote:Interesting device ThinkPad!
But ..... be careful, there is direct connection from sensor gnd pin to AC live!
Qubino 1.25mm 3-Pin JST Connector DS18B20.jpg
Combined with your trick ThinkPad, I assume that the ground of the DS18B20 is connected to the Live Lead (=Brown in NL).
Reader be aware!
I haven't attached a temperature sensor yet, have to get some JST-ZH connectors (those will fit in the connector of the Qubino) and solder DS18B20 to it. You can get JST-ZH connectors with wires already attached to them from eBay.

But good to know, quite dangerous if you don't know. I will insulate the wires and soldering connectings very good ;)
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Re: Z-Wave factfile: Qubino ZMNHAA2 Flush 1 Relay

Post by ThinkPad »

Today i had some time to solder a sensor wire (JST-ZH connector with wires attached and DS18B20).
I made this scheme, its a bit more clear than yours:

I measured between the 'N' connection on the Qubino (neutral, blue) and each of the DS18B20 wires with my multimeter. You were right, 230V on each!! So i insulated the sensor wires securely with heatshrink.

Downside is that it seems that enabling polling is needed for getting the temperature values :(
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Re: Z-Wave factfile: Qubino ZMNHAA2 Flush 1 Relay

Post by bjacobse »

old thread, but just to correct/update
Polling is not needed to get updated/new temperature readings
Check your settings in Setup -> Hardware -> Zwave -> click on your Qubino and scroll to the lowest part of the webpage:

120. Digital temperature sensor reporting: (actual: 5)

If digital temperature sensor is connected, module reports measured temperature on temperature change defined by this parameter. Available configuration parameters : 0 = reporting disabled. 1 to 127 = 0,1°C to 12,7°C, step is 0,1°C. Default value is 5 = 0,5°C
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Re: Z-Wave factfile: Qubino ZMNHAA2 Flush 1 Relay

Post by astrapowerrr »

I have one of these sensors at my qubino.
Working for about a year and now out of the blue it’s not giving data on temp anymore.
How can I fix this without excluding and including my qubino. As it’s all mixed in programming etc.

I hope someone can help me

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