ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

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ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »

Hi all, hope you can help me out with the following:

I have Domoticz installed on an RP. It has a sonoff zigbee 3.0 usb dongle plus. Installed ZiGate/Zigbee for Domoticz according to the instructions and I was able to pair a Friend smoke detector (Develco SMSZB-120).

This Zigbee device appears as three Domoticz devices: A temperature sensor, a switch and a door sensor. This is all fine.
I get a temperature update every 5 minutes. So this seems to work ok.

Here is the strange thing:
When I toggle the switch, the alarm doesn't sound.
When I hold the smoke sensor's button for 6.5 seconds, it should transmit a network alarm test on the zigbee network - but this isn't received, at least not in Domoticz.

Any help would be appreciated, for example: what could be wrong? where should I start debugging, what logfiles should I look into?

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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »

First , could you clarify which version of the plugin you are ? it must be 6.1.002 or above for stable6 or 6.2. for beta6

it would be good if via the WebUI you could go to Tools > Tools > Plugin RAW Devices (Json) and you do an export and drop the export.json file here. I could then investigate if something went badly during the pairing

The interesting log file can be found on Logs/PluginZigbee-xx.log ( xx is the Domoticz Plugin Hardware ID)

You can eventually enable via the Web UI Tools > Debug the following parameters


And the try to hold the smoke sensor's button for 6 seconds and see if there is any incoming messages
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »


Here is the additional info:

ZigBeeforDomoticZ plugin Admin Interface reports Version 6.1.003

The logfile, after holding the button for 6+ seconds is attached. The Plugin RAW Devices (Json) is below.



[{"Status":"","RIA":"10","PowerSource":"Main","ZDeviceName":"Zigbee Coordinator","Ep":{"15":{"0000":{}},"00":{},"03":{"0000":{}},"08":{"0000":{}},"6e":{"0000":{}},"0a":{"0000":{}},"0b":{"0000":{}},"02":{"0000":{}},"01":{"0000":{},"0019":{},"0500":{},"0502":{}}},"IEEE":"00124b0024c74f13","Version":"3","LogicalType":"Coordinator","Health":"Live","ConsistencyCheck":"","LQI":{},"Max Buffer Size":"50","Max Rx":"00a0","Max Tx":"00a0","macapa":"8f","bitfield":"4000","server_mask":"2c01","descriptor_capability":"00","Manufacturer":"0000","DeviceType":"FFD","ReceiveOnIdle":"On","Stamp":{"LasteSeen":{},"Time":"2022-04-15 16:49:27","MsgType":"8002","time":1650034167.346808,"LastSeen":"15/04/2022 16:49:27"},"SQN":"00","Model":"CC1352/CC2652, Z-Stack 3.30+ (znp)","NwkID":"0000"},{"Version":"3","ZDeviceName":"Rookmelder Hal","Status":"inDB","SQN":"ae","Ep":{"23":{"0500":{"0002":"alarm1: 0, alaram2: 0, tamper: 0, battery: 0, Support Reporting: 1, restore Reporting: 1, trouble: 0, acmain: 0, test: 0, battdef: 0"},"ClusterType":{"313":"Door"},"0000":{"0004":"frient A/S","0005":"SMSZB-120"},"0001":{"0020":31,"003e":"00000000"}},"26":{"0000":{"0004":"frient A/S","0005":"SMSZB-120","0000":"1","0006":"20211218 13:58","0007":"3"},"0003":{},"0402":{"0000":1762},"ClusterType":{"314":"Temp"}},"01":{"0003":{},"0005":{"0000":"00124b0024c74f13","0001":"65","0002":"0","0003":"6"},"0006":{},"ClusterType":{"312":"Switch"}}},"Heartbeat":"637","RIA":"4","LQI":27,"Battery":100,"Model":"SMSZB-120","ForceAckCommands":[],"MacCapa":"00","IEEE":"0015bc0031010a39","Type":"Switch/Door/Temp","ProfileID":"0104","ZDeviceID":"0302","App Version":"","Attributes List":{},"DeviceType":"RFD","HW Version":"","Last Cmds":[],"LogicalType":"End Device","Manufacturer":"1015","Manufacturer Name":"frient A/S","NbEp":"3","PowerSource":"","ReceiveOnIdle":"","Stack Version":"","Stamp":{"time":1650043081.1389642,"Time":"2022-04-15 19:18:01","MsgType":"8401","LastSeen":"15/04/2022 19:18:01"},"ZCL Version":"1","Health":"Live","Capability":["Reduced-Function Device","Standard security","NwkAddr need to be allocated"],"ZDPSQN":"12","PairingInProgress":false,"Epv2":{"23":{"ClusterIn":{},"ClusterOut":{},"ProfileID":{},"ZDeviceID":{}},"26":{"ClusterIn":{"0000":{},"0003":{},"0402":{}},"ClusterOut":{"0003":{}},"ProfileID":"0104","ZDeviceID":"0302"},"01":{"ClusterIn":{"0003":{},"0005":{},"0006":{}},"ClusterOut":{},"ProfileID":"c0c9","ZDeviceID":"0001"}},"RollingLQI":[30,33,24,30,27,36,30,30,30,27,27],"IASBattery":100,"ZDeviceVersion":"0000","ConfigSource":"8043","ZCLSQN":"1a","PairingTime":1650034672.1602452,"BindingTable":{"Devices":[{"0015bc0031010a39":{"sourceEp":"01","Cluster":"0003","targetIEEE":"00124b0024c74f13","targetNickName":"Zigbee Coordinator","targetEp":"01"}},{"0015bc0031010a39":{"sourceEp":"01","Cluster":"0005","targetIEEE":"00124b0024c74f13","targetNickName":"Zigbee 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18:28:00","Phase":"binded","Status":"00","i_sqn":"10"},"000f":{"Target":"0000","Stamp":"15/04/2022 18:27:58","Phase":"requested","Status":"","i_sqn":"11"}},"26":{"0402":{"Target":"0000","Stamp":"15/04/2022 18:27:58","Phase":"requested","Status":"","i_sqn":"12"}}},"ReadAttributes":{"Ep":{"23":{"0000":{"TimeStamp":"15/04/2022 18:27:58","iSQN":{"0000":"17","0004":"17","0005":"17","0006":"17","0007":"17"},"Attributes":{},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0001":{"TimeStamp":"15/04/2022 18:28:00","iSQN":{},"Attributes":{"0020":"00","003e":"00"},"ZigateRequest":{}}},"26":{"0000":{"TimeStamp":"15/04/2022 18:27:58","iSQN":{"0000":"18","0004":"18","0005":"18","0006":"18","0007":"18"},"Attributes":{},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0402":{"TimeStamp":"15/04/2022 19:17:44","iSQN":{"0000":"19"},"Attributes":{"0000":"00"},"ZigateRequest":{}}},"01":{"0006":{"TimeStamp":"15/04/2022 18:27:58","iSQN":{"4001":"16","4002":"16","0000":"16"},"Attributes":{},"ZigateRequest":{}},"0005":{"TimeStamp":"15/04/2022 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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »

From the export , it looks like the pairing didn't happen correctly.

So I would suggest the following :

1/enable debugPairing
2/ remove the 3 widgets from Domoticz which belongs to this device
3/ restart the plugin

redo the pairing, and let see what is happening

If the pairing process is correctly done you should have 4 Domoticz Widgets created

- Smoke
- Voltage
- AlarmWD
- Temp

If it doesn't work, this could be related to the SonOff/SMoke detector issue, then I'll purchase one and make it working (as it works with Zigate already)
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »

Bonjour Pipiche!

Here is what I did:

1. Removed the three ZiGate devices from Domoticz (using Setup->Devices->Remove device from used devices and deleted the device. The devices no longer appear in the Domoticz device list now
2. In the ZiGate dashboard, the device status is now listed as Removed
3. In the ZiGate dashboard enabled: debugInput, debugCluster and debugPairing
4. Restarted the plugin in the dashboard: Admin->plugin->restart
5. Next, just to be sure I rebooted the whole system
6. When I now look in the ZiGate Dashboard->Management->Device Management, I see a whole bunch of devices (not mine probably from neighbours)
7. Now enabled "accept new hardware devices" in Domoticz.
8. Enabled "accept new hardware" in ZiGate
9. In ZiGate Dashboard: Admin->Provisioning->Pairing and resetted the smoke detector
10. Pairing seems to be successful, see below for ZiGate report.
11. The smoke detector now appears in the Dashboard, renamed it to some user friendly name
12. In Domoticz 4 devices now appear: detector, alarm, battery voltage and temperature sensor

13. At this point:
- Temperature readings are OK
- Battery readings are received but a factor 10x to high (30V, I would expect 3V)
- Testing the Alarm:
-- setting the Alarm to state Alarm does nothing
-- Setting the Alarm to Siren does nothing
-- Setting the Alarm to strobe does nothing
-- Setting the Alarm to Armed does nothing
-- Setting the Alarm to Disarmed does nothing
-- (in some rare occasions the alarm does sound, I was always able to turn it off)

14. Finally, the network alarm test:this was detected by Domoticz for a small period of time:
2022-04-16 12:08:10 Off
2022-04-16 12:08:08 On
(Not sure if this is ok - the network test lasted longer than the 2 seconds)

I've attached to logfile, hope you can find something.
Please let me know if you need more info or some testing.

With kind regards,

inDB (Successful (check if widgets have been created))
Short NwkId:
Profile :
0104 (ZHA)
Device :
0302 (Temperature Sensor)
Model :
Plugin Certification:
EndPoint: 01
EndPoint: 23
- ClusterId :
0000 (Basic)
- ClusterId :
0001 (Power Configuration)
- ClusterId :
0003 (Identify)
- ClusterId :
000f (Binary Input (Basic))
- ClusterId :
0020 (Poll Control)
- ClusterId :
000a (Time)
- ClusterId :
0500 (IAS Zone)
- ClusterId :
0502 (IAS WD (Warning Device))
- ClusterId :
0019 (Over-the-Air Upgrade)
EndPoint: 26
- ClusterId :
0402 (Temperature Measurement)
- ClusterId :
0000 (Basic)
Widget List:
ZiGate - SMSZB-120_Smoke-0015bc0031010a39-23,ZiGate - SMSZB-120_Voltage-0015bc0031010a39-23,ZiGate - SMSZB-120_AlarmWD-0015bc0031010a39-23,ZiGate - SMSZB-120_Temp-0015bc0031010a39-26
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »

I'm a bit confused , are you using a Zigate or a SonOff ?

I'll purchase one and will investigate
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »

For now, I have created a branch on the plugin

git pull
git checkout pipiche38/device/Develco/SMSZB-120
git pull

where the Voltage level should be fixed.

I'll keep you posted when receiving the device
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »


My setup is:

Raspberry Pi
Domoticz 2022.1 (build 14315)
Zigbee for domoticz plug-in (ZiGate)
Zigbee interface: Sonoff 3.0 USB plus dongle
Smoke detector: Frient SMSZB-120.
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »

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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »

Bonjour Pipiche,

Thanks for the patch, just tested it and I am afraid it doesn't seem to work:

1. stopped Domoticz: sudo systemctl stop domoticz
2. moved to: ~/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee
3. git fetch
4. git checkout pipiche38/device/Develco/SMSZB-1204
5. git pull
6. git status:
"on branch pipiche38/device/Develco/SMSZB-120
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/pipiche38/device/Develco/SMSZB-120'."
7. Started Domoticz: sudo systemctl start domoticz
8. After the first refresh from the device checked the voltage levels, reports 30V.

Regards, Martin
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »

correction: at 13h today the voltage started to report correctly. Apparently the voltage is not frequently updated.
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »

Thanks for the update

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »

I man. Smoke received. I'm working on the integration. And indeed it is a special one.
Could you let me know what is happening if you do on the SMSZB-120_AlarmWD widget Disarmed ?
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »


if you are still on the pipiche38/device/Develco/SMSZB-120 branch, can you kindly update to the latest

then you remove all widgets related to this device
restart the plugin
and then do the pairing.
You should get 4 widgets created
- Voltage (that you can remove if you don't like)
- Smoke this will be use when Smoke is detected. To test, press more than 6 secondes on the smoke detector, then you should receive a change On / Off on the smoke widget
- Temp
- SwitchAlarm this will allow you to switch the alarm on and off . They should be a default duration but so far I didn't succeed to manage it :-( so in between you need to use the On and Off

Tomorrow, I'll anyway test on SonOff gateway
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »

Merci bien!
I will give it a try this weekend.

Found this, perhaps it is of use:
https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/SMSZ ... -smszb-120
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »

which then confirm that there is no way to change the duration. But on the Develco documentation, they talk about something else
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »

The way I read it is that there is a maximum duration. So it should be possible to change it.

Duration of using warning can be shorter than max_duration but not longer. If max_duration are set to 60 seconds, and you try to set warning with duration of 90 seconds, the warning will only apply for 60 seconds. Default value of max_duration are 240 seconds
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »

Hi mate,

If you can give a try. I'm able to make it working with Sonoff.

You need to change to a new branch so please do the following

Code: Select all

git pull
git checkout pipiche38/refactor/IAS
git pull
then you have to remove the widget
restart the plugin
and finally re do the pairing

My current status is
All work except the possibility to define a time duration
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by pipiche »

I have completed the Smoke integration and you can now via the Device Parameters define the duration.

By default it is 5 secondes

for now it is still on the pipiche38/refactor/IAS, as I'm doing other stuff in paralell ;-)

Screenshot 2022-04-27 at 19.28.47.png
Screenshot 2022-04-27 at 19.28.47.png (102.84 KiB) Viewed 1491 times
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Re: ZiGate: Frient Smoke detector issue

Post by Bokkie »


I have changed my setup and must reverse it first before testing This will take some time.

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