How to set the noise level of a RFXtrx433 manually Topic is solved

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How to set the noise level of a RFXtrx433 manually

Post by JackD »

Hi There,

Is it possible to manually set the noise level of a "RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver Version: Pro XL1/1043"
This is normally done automatically when Domoticz starts or under Hardware when you press "set mode" and "set mode" again in the sub menu

When the noise lever is between 100 and 105 I receive the windsensor, which is at the far edge of my garden, without problems. With a noise level of 115/120 I do not receive te windsensor. This is strange because in theory a 115/120 db noise level should be better and receive more than a 100/105 noise level

Most of the time the automatic noise level is set to 115 to 120 which in theory should be better, but in real live it is not.
I now put a old cooling fan(with high electrical interference) next to the receiver antenna and then press "set mode" for a "bad" noise level between 100 and 105. When I got the noise level between 100/105 then I remove the old fan.This is a pain in the a#& to do every time Domoticz needs a reboot or update. I looked in the database but I can not find the noise level there, where is it stored?

Can I manual set the noise level?
noise level RFXCOM.jpg
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Re: How to set the noise level of a RFXtrx433 manually

Post by JackD »

No reply jet, so probably no "easy" way of manually changing the noise level of a RFXCOM tranciever within Domoticz. :cry:
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Re: How to set the noise level of a RFXtrx433 manually

Post by waltervl »

It is the value that the RF device is reading at startup and depends on your antenna setup and your environment. So to lower this value do something with your antenna.
From ... controller

RF noise level: the new Pro firmware (Pro1, Pro2, ProXL) detects the RF noise level during start-up of the receiver and RF signals above this level are processed. It is required to install the RFXtrx433XL in a good location with a low RF noise level, so that a good reception quality is guaranteed. The noise level is displayed in RFXmngr on the Main menu. A value of 92 with the standard antenna is acceptable, but lower is better. A general rule is not to place the RFXtrx433XL near a Raspberry PI, routers or other electronic equipment, power cables or metal pipes.
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Re: How to set the noise level of a RFXtrx433 manually

Post by JackD »

That's exactly my point..... been running for 2 years with the RFXCOM transceiver.

I found out that the automatic noise level is not the best setting for the best reception.
I do have a external antenna, and a automatic noise level that always between 115/120 but this gives me NOT the best reception.
If I create (temporarily, just for the auto noise lever calculation) extra interference around the antenna and get the auto noise level tot 100/105 and then take away the interference device I have much better reception on 100/105db than the in (theoretically) much better 115/120db noise level.
With the stock antenna I do not receive the windsensor at the far end of my garden at all, what ever the noise level is.

So the automatic noise level "calculation" of the RFXCOM gives you not the best reception.
Therefore I do not want to use the calculated (theoretically) best 115/120db noise level but the 100/105db, this gives me a much better reception in the real world. Most people would probably not notice this, but because I have a windsensor at the far end of my garden which is just in/out of range I do notice this behavior regarding the noise level. All my other 433mhz sensors are closer and not a problem, with the external antenna and even with the stock antenna.

So my statement is that the automatic noise level calculation is not the best level for the best reception, therefor my question, if it is possible to manually set the noise level.

(sorry for the long story :oops: )
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Re: How to set the noise level of a RFXtrx433 manually

Post by waltervl »

Normally Noise is bad so high noise means low quality reception. As I read it a noise level of 100 is bad and should be 90 or lower.

But you better contact supplier or manufacturer to get a good advise for your setup.
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Re: How to set the noise level of a RFXtrx433 manually

Post by JackD »

Got in touch with Rfxcom, and they offered to create a new test firmware for me to tackle my little problem.
Great service.......! :P
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Re: How to set the noise level of a RFXtrx433 manually [solved]

Post by JackD »

Last week I got a new firmware(1045 beta 3) from Rfxcom, great customer support .

This new firmware gives me a bit better automatic noise level straight out of the box without any hassle.
Keep in mind that it is just fine-tuning.
When you got a device that is just in/out of range than this new firmware might get you a bit better/reliable reception.
It works for my setup(with external antenna), do not know if this new firmware will benefit everybody but I am happy with it
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