mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

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mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by roblom »

I've installed MQTT by folowing the wiki but when I do the test below

Code: Select all

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -m '{ "idx" : 2820, "nvalue" : 0, "svalue" : "25.0" }' -t 'domoticz/in'
The dummy device isn't update and I get in the domoticz log the error

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mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)
When I do

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netstat -na | grep 1883
I get

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tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 ::1:1883                :::*                    LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 ::1:1883                ::1:45032               ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0 ::1:45032               ::1:1883                ESTABLISHED
i'm running mosquitto version 2.0.12

Hope someone can help?
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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by FireWizard »

Hi @roblom,

Did you configure the mosquitto.conf file?

It should at least contain:

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listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by roblom »

I found out that in the Domoticz MQTT hardware I need to place localhost in the settings instead of the IP adres (thought it was the same but it seems not). Now the device does update with the command below.

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mosquitto_pub -h localhost -m '{ "idx" : 2820, "nvalue" : 0, "svalue" : "25.0" }' -t 'domoticz/in'
So it seems that it internally works, but the main goal was to let my Tasmota device put data in Domoticz using MQTT. That still gives the error below

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Connection failed to, rc -2
I think the problem is that the newer mosquitto need some kind of default authentification but I tried many websites and they are all give different settings and none of them does work for me. Maybe someone can point me to a guide that works for Mosquitto version 2.0.12
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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @roblom,

You wrote:
I found out that in the Domoticz MQTT hardware I need to place localhost in the settings instead of the IP adres (thought it was the same but it seems not).

From: ... -localhost
So, to answer your question - yes, they are different.

localhost is given an ip address in the network and given to a virtual loopback network device lo. This device is present on all systems, regardless of whether they have a physical network device fitted (WiFi or Ethernet, for example). A system that is not connected to any network will have this loopback device and hence a address. The name localhost is simply a name that resolves to this IP address and is configured in /etc/hosts.

Your real IP address (10.x.x.x for example) is allocated to a network device. This is usually a physical network device (WiFi or Ethernet) although advanced setups using tun or tap devices can use them too. Again, the name resolution (for example to can be configured in /etc/hosts or can be set up to use DNS.
So it should not make any difference if you place localhost or its ip address ( in the Domoticz Config

Can you try to install on your laptop or desktop, in order to see what your Tasmota device publishes?
And you checked your mosquitto.conf file?

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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by roblom »

I used the for the ip address...

I've already tried the MQTT explorer but can't establish a connection. I only get a "Disconnected from server" message, whatever settings I try.

I've used the settings in the post on the bottom of the page below. ... spberry-pi
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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @roblom,

Just a question.

You don't have a firewall running somewhere?



Follow this guideline to install/configure Mosquitto: ... pberry-pi/

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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by roblom »

Ok, found it, for some reason (a change after version 1.5 of mosquitto) you need to remove the "listener 1883" and "port 1883". I commented them out and now it's working.
Found it in an old jessie topic here
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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by FireWizard »


Perfect, that you found it, but listener 1883 should be present in your conf file. But as long as it works in your situation, it is okay.

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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by roblom »

You are right....

I had in my mosquitto.conf the line below

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include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d
And in that file I added

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listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
But I forgot to remove the "listener 1883" line in the mosquitto.conf so it was in there twice. After removing the listener 1883 in the mosquitto.conf it worked.
Appreciated your your help!
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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by domoticzos »

since last nights beta update I have the same problem, but I see in the log that the "MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface" Hardware tries to connect to Port 8883 instead of 1883.
2022-03-17 09:45:51.492 Status: OS-MQTT_Server: Connecting to
2022-03-17 09:45:51.492 Status: OS-MQTT_Server: enabled TLS mode
2022-03-17 09:45:51.493 Error: OS-MQTT_Server: Failed to start, return code: 14/Connection refused (Check IP/Port)
Setting in the Hardware setting is definitely Port 1883

Any solution for this ?

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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by FireWizard »

Any solution for this ?

See: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=38250 and see also the links to Github.

New beta has been published.

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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by azriel »

Problem persist for me on v 2022.1 build c9526851b :-/

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 Error: Mosquitto: Failed to start, return code: 14/Connection timed out (Check IP/Port)
Everything was ok before upgrade, and no problem when i try to subscribe via mosquitto_sub
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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by azriel »

My bad, seems that my firewall decided to deny all traffic for this container... don't know why, but it's fixed. Sry
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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by HoogendoornJH »

Which firewall do you mean azriel? That of the router, that of the operating system or a self-installed firewall?
(I have the same problem and I am looking for a solution).
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Re: mqtt failed to start return code 14 (check ip/port)

Post by Derik »

Iemand de oplossing?
Ben op zoek naar een goed werkende dockercompose file.
Dat mqtt is bij mij nog steeds niet werkend.
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