Tighter integration with Tasmota

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Tighter integration with Tasmota

Post by pakhisana »

I'm using a number of Tasmota flashed devices together with Domoticz. This works pretty well, but there are a couple of missing things:
No error detection due to the use of "dummy device" in Domoticz
This can (for example) be fixed by updating the existing Domoticz MQTT integration to also send actuator commands instead of just sending status updates or by a Tasmota plugin for Domoticz. Updating the existing Domoticz MQTT integration is pretty straight forward, and I have a very basic implementation working.
Auto discovery, several manual steps are needed in both Domoticz and Tasmota when a new Tasmota device is added (create a dummy device of the right type, setup the Tasmota to listen to that idx, etc)
For this a Tasmota plugin understanding the Tasmota MQTT commands would be necassry
So, I was thinking about either extend the existing Domoticz MQTT integration to also send actuator commands, or implement a Tasmota HW plugin.
It would be great to get some suggestions here from others who use Tasmota together with Domoticz as well as Domoticz developers before starting the work.
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Re: Tighter integration with Tasmota

Post by sp00025 »

How about modifying Tasmota to send arbitrary MQTT messages understandable by Domoticz? I used Domoticz in the past but at some point moved to Home Assistant. Here is an example of how to integrate into Tasmota: https://github.com/phpcoder/tasmota-custom-integration, and more on MQTT: https://github.com/phpcoder/tasmota-nexus-mqtt. Hope it may be useful.
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Re: Tighter integration with Tasmota

Post by jvdz »

There is also some integration possible using the Ha autodiscovery available in the beta version already. 8-)
New Garbage collection scripts: https://github.com/jvanderzande/GarbageCalendar
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