I found this nice MQTT Moresense AirSensor Display from Lars Who is building these nice gadgets.
I have ordered 1 and used it for a week now and I thought you need to know this because its a great device I think!
The sensor can sense a lot , see below
A Very Nice thing About this device is that you can Also Display your own status text via MQTT on the panel
Also all the values can be send via MQTT to Domoticz off cource
I have no Commercial stake in this at all and i also do not get discount

size 25cm x 13 cm x 4cm
LED Matrix screen with 2048 (64x32) RGB leds
Top quality SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor (0-10000ppm, precisie ± 40 ppm ± 3%)
Top quality Bosch BME680 sensor
REST api
MQTT server
built in Webserver
automatic calibration selfmode or via outside air (buitenlucht)
De MoreSense sensor voldoet aan de eisen van het Bouwbesluit. Deze eisen zijn o.a. dat de CO2 monitor op het lichtnet is aangesloten, dat het
WiFi or stand alone use