Camera RTSP

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Camera RTSP

Post by skom »

I have some wifi cameras that only support RTSP (e.g. INQMEGA 1080p IL-HIP291-1M/2M-AI). I set Node Red to do a jpg dump from time to time (e.g. 10s) to a directory e.g. /home/pi/zdjecie/zdjecie.jpg. The camera, Node Red and Domoticz are on the same home network. How can I now display this photo (jpg file), taken by Node Red from this camera, on the Domoticz desktop and update it, e.g. every such time (e.g. 10s if Node Red will update it)?
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Re: Camera RTSP

Post by waltervl »

You can do this with the Aurora or the Machinon Theme:
You will have to add the camera as a real camera referring the imageURL to the snapshot file you create. If you create a snapshot every second you almost have a realtime camera stream.
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Re: Camera RTSP

Post by skom »

Can I ask you to explain how to enter the path to the JPG file in the camera settings in Machinon?
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Re: Camera RTSP

Post by waltervl »

The big problem is to get the camera working at all within Domoticz. Then you can add it in a theme that supports cameras.

It seems it needs an url in Domoticz camera setup so my assumption that your snapshot could be used is not correct.

There are some other bash scripts to be found here on the forum than can convert RTSP but none use a link to publish.
Also applications like motion can convert RTSP into mpeg that Domoticz can read but I have no experience with this.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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