Cancel action in dzvents script

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Cancel action in dzvents script

Post by JeroenG »


I have several lights which switch on in the morning on workingdays (mon-Fri) on specific times (i.e. hallway switches om at 06:10).

But sometimes I take a day off, and there is no reason why these ligth should be switched on (I hope to be stll in bed :) ).

My idea was to create a dummy switch (no_working_day) which I switch on before going to bed. But how can I use such to cancel the timed switchon event (which is on lightswitch in domoticz, no script)?

Any idea's?

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Re: Cancel action in dzvents script

Post by user4563 »

Yes, that will work. So basically if dummy switch state == off then <your existing schedule here>
If the dummy switch is on, then nothing happens.

However, you said the schedule is not in a script. If it's in Blockly, you can do the same there using If-Do logic.
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