Dewenwils smart plugs with RFXTrx433XL

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Dewenwils smart plugs with RFXTrx433XL

Post by griff99 »

Hi everyone

I'm trying to get domoticz to work with some cheap 433Mhz smart plugsI bought from amazon ( ... B07NJ2XHZC). Note: the plugs have a small sticker on them that reads "0307-1", "0307-2" AND "0307-3" (there are three plugs)

I'm running domoticz 4.11290 on raspberry pi with the RFXTrx433XL

The auto-learn switch feature isn't working. But using RFXCOM utility in windows I can get the following response by clicking the commands for plug #1 on the remote control (first block is "on", second block is "off"). I needed to enable "undec" for this in the utility.

25/01/2020 04:58:01:711= 05030F000100
Packettype = UNDECODED RF Message
UNDECODED Blinds:0100
25/01/2020 04:58:53:710= 05030F010100
Packettype = UNDECODED RF Message
UNDECODED Blinds:0100

Any tips on how I can get domoticz to trigger these commands?

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Re: Dewenwils smart plugs with RFXTrx433XL

Post by griff99 »

For anyone who is interested, I found a solution... I think these are clones of Etekcity/Energenie plugs. I used Energenie 5-gang with trial and error to find the house code.
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Re: Dewenwils smart plugs with RFXTrx433XL

Post by Squonky »

I just bought a box of 3 of these for 21 quid off BezosCorp, on the strength of you getting it working. Very cheap sockets, and better build quality (externally at least) than the original Energenie plugs.

I couldn't get the Domoticz "Learn Light/Switch" feature to detect the 3-button remote in this Dewenwils kit.
Neither could I see any "Unknown" switch entries in the Domoticz "Setup" --> "Devices" tabl, whenever I pushed a switch button.
I couldn't get your method to work - trying every "Energenie 5 Gang" code via the "Manual Light/Switch" menu.

What did work was just putting the Dewenwils socket into Learn mode, and then setting up a manual Manual switch entry with type "Energenie" and an ID/Unit code pair that I hadn't used for any of my other (real) Energenie switches. Works a treat! They are indeed cloned Energenie plugs (or at least, they support that protocol), but it would appear that the supplied remote uses a different code protocol, which my combination of Domoticz/RfxTRX doesn't understand.

[Update] I found that manually setting up an Energenie code only turns these Dewenwils plugs ON. In order to turn them OFF, you have to send the "On" command for the next Energenie code on the same House code. I.e. if sending the code A1 "ON" command turns the plug ON, I have to send the A2 "ON" command to turn the plug OFF. So, it seems like they've used a b@stardized version of the Energenie protocol. Now looking for a way to make this work properly in Domoticz...
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