Which smoke detector?

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Re: Which smoke detector?

Post by manjh »

msnep wrote: Tuesday 30 November 2021 20:45 Is anyone able to sound the alarm of the smoke detector from Domoticz? (by "switching it on")

I just bought 4 kiku smoke detectors and added one of them to Domoticz. It shows up as Heiman SmokeSensor-EM, so a bit different because not as HS1SA like with others.
There is nothing that I can do with it, except trigger some action when the alarm is activated/tested. Battery level is also available.

I have a ConbeeII zigbee dongle in a RPi on which Domoticz runs.
Depends on the make/model of the detector. The KAKU detectors that I have are actually Heiman units, and they cannot be triggered by anything except smoke or the physical test button.
I know that there are models out there that are able to be tested from central, but I donot know which.
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