RTSP WIFI camera

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RTSP WIFI camera

Post by Kmix »

Hi guys!

I have a tapo c100 wifi camera and want to connect it to my domoticz system. I've searched a lot but can't find any right answers. It works on RSTP and the url is like this: rtsp://username:password@IP Address:554/stream1. Also I have connected it to Agent UI, there I get the url: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/onvif/device_service. That seems like a http protocol, but I can't get it to work in domoticz. Can someone explain how I can add it to my system. Can I convert it or is there any option to get a live view of my camera in domoticz.

Greetings from me! :D
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Re: RTSP WIFI camera

Post by Dim33 »


Have you found a solution about this camera ?

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Re: RTSP WIFI camera

Post by geotibi »

I'm also interested on this topic. I have a Tapo C200 camera that it's supporting RTSP and ONVIF
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Re: RTSP WIFI camera

Post by hoeby »

As far as i know, rtsp doesn't work in domoticz.

You can use vlc. Which can work with rtsp. It is also possible that vlc uses the rtsp input and convert it to an http output, which you than connect to domoticz. But vlc has to be active all the time. Otherwise your view is gone

When you have an http string for your camera.
First test it in a browser, if it works, before going to domoticz.
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Re: RTSP WIFI camera

Post by EdwinK »

If you happen to have a (spare) raspberry pi, you can try motionOS, Have been using that for some time now, and it worked, untill my camera died it self.
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Re: RTSP WIFI camera

Post by Ervin89 »

EdwinK wrote: Wednesday 06 January 2021 12:11 If you happen to have a (spare) raspberry pi, you can try motionOS, Have been using that for some time now, and it worked, untill my camera died it self.
This works really well for us,mymilestonecard.com thank you! Facing same issue here. Help is appreciated.
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