I too have a problem to past the creation of wideq_state.json when installing the plugin
As some people in this threat I am getting the following error:
Code: Select all
domoticz@domoticz:~/LGAC_SmartT$ python3 example.py
Log in here:
Then paste the URL where the browser is redirected:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "example.py", line 214, in <module>
File "example.py", line 200, in example
example_command(client, args)
File "example.py", line 177, in example_command
File "example.py", line 25, in ls
for device in client.devices:
File "/home/domoticz/LGAC_SmartT/wideq.py", line 474, in devices
self._devices = self.session.get_devices()
File "/home/domoticz/LGAC_SmartT/wideq.py", line 465, in session
self._session, self._devices = self.auth.start_session()
File "/home/domoticz/LGAC_SmartT/wideq.py", line 257, in start_session
return Session(self, session_id), as_list(session_info['item'])
KeyError: 'item'
I solved the problem, at the begining I was trying to use Olinek's plugin, that was linked at the beginning of the topic, then I found the fork from @heggink but with the same error as before and finally on next pages I found the other plugin from @majki available at
https://github.com/majki09/domoticz_lg_thinq_plugin and this plugin works for me without any problems, so thank you @majki for the good work. I have 2 questions for you
1. I have a multi-split installation in 2 rooms, how can I add second AC? Will it be enough to add second ID on hardware tab or do I need to change something in the code?
2. Will you be able to add more functionality to the plugin like enabling air jonization, jet mode function or air quality meter? All those options are available at LG ThinQ app and on the remote control so it would be nice to get it also on the plugin.
Also I would like to thank you for your great work