Has anybody tweeked his (new) boiler with Domoticz or know systems that can be communicted with?

Moderator: leecollings
No. Six months per year the house is not heated, but we still shower. Boiler system is a quick install <500 euro.
Thank you. Guess I will be buy a very basic boloiler and rewire the sensor and power relais. Already have my home heating on Smart Virtual Sensor plug in. This could be the same system as for the boilerFireWizard wrote: ↑Sunday 10 October 2021 11:41 Hello @renerene,
Perhaps this article may help you.
https://discourse.nodered.org/t/managin ... onoff/1712
Yes, I have.
Take care heatpump boilers are very-very noisy and this gets worse with ageing... + reliability is also a concern: Forget keeping them 15/20 years with almost no maintenance cost, 5 years without costly issue is really good figure. Combined with their price, they are IMO not a good bargain even with rising energy prices!
Where do you get this information from?lost wrote: ↑Wednesday 27 October 2021 12:12
Take care heatpump boilers are very-very noisy and this gets worse with ageing... + reliability is also a concern: Forget keeping them 15/20 years with almost no maintenance cost, 5 years without costly issue is really good figure. Combined with their price, they are IMO not a good bargain even with rising energy prices!
Here we compared a classic electric boiler to a heatpump one. The heatpump if far more complicated than a electric resistance+simple Temp regulation!waltervl wrote: ↑Wednesday 27 October 2021 14:27 For a Heatpump far less wearing components and far less maintenance costs comparing with old fashioned gas Central Heating systems. In offices, shops and factories the airconditioning units also do not need to be exchanged every 5 years... It is the same technology.
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