Controlling Android

Client tools or tools that can connect with Domoticz. Tools for Windows, iOS, Android, Linux etc.

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Controlling Android

Post by MartHale »

Today I finallty figured out how to use the android ADB to have my phone play sounds when an event has happened. When my well pump turns on it now plays an MP3 so that I know it was turned on.

I also use this to play my music playlists on my phone. I use a button switch to turn the playlist on and another script to shut it off.

Only useful when I have the phone at home, but fun as all get out adding star trek sounds to events :-)

Run playlist ->

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/7AF6-191E/Roy-free-android/RFA.m3u

Shut it off

adb shell am force-stop org.videolan.vlc

I like having my phone play sounds, I will use it for when my solar powered batteries are full.
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