Could someone confirm that OTGW works well with domotics in terms of DHW control?
In my case, it basically does not work and cannot work because:
1. Domoticz reads data from PS = 1, and these values are often out of date - because they depend on what the controller sends to the boiler. And this sometimes sends sometimes not - so really parameters such as Return Water Temperature or chodziażby DHW temperature - are sent very rarely, so the data in domoticzu are out of date.
2. I understand the principle of the gate, but I do not understand why the gate cannot ask the boiler for data more often, so that PS = 1 gives real results. Now the gateway is waiting for the driver - sometimes a few minutes
3. Attempting to set the SW through the thermostat module in domoticz (for DHW) - is ineffective because immediately from the set temperature, the domoticz receives confirmation of the previous one. This will change only when the controller sends a query (or confirms its temperature) - then the OTGW enters the action and deceives the controller by setting the temperature from the domotics. This works terrible because you never know what is really set.
4. CH control is ok because there is a special setpoint that can be activated or deactivated.
Does anyone have experience with this gate and domotic?
OTGW + MCR3 + AD289(isense) - problem
Moderator: leecollings
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