OpenCV motion recognition

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OpenCV motion recognition

Post by Dukel »


Could I run a script or some python code to recognize specific movements (hand gestures) which triggers a certain action on Domoticz.
I've some experience with OpenCV, but this only recognizes objects. I recon making it recognize movements shouldn't be the issue perse in a python script, but what would be a smart idea to let Domoticz know I has te perform an action?

Example: wave to the camera and the lights turn on/off
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Re: OpenCV motion recognition

Post by darrepac »

If you have a python script based on openCV that is capable to do face recognition (after training) it could trigger some dedicated actions
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Re: OpenCV motion recognition

Post by Rosenbaum »

In videos, multiple frames are stack together to form video. For motion detection, we calculate the difference between two continuous frames and if it’s higher than the set threshold, it means motion detection has been observed there.
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