Tasker and MQTT Client checklist Galaxy S20

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Tasker and MQTT Client checklist Galaxy S20

Post by ben53252642 »

My own checklist for Tasker and MQTT Client on my Galaxy S20 phone. I'm making the checklist public for my own future reference and in case it helps someone else.

Make sure the MQTT Client app is in "Never sleeping apps"
Settings > Battery and device care > Battery > Background usage limits > Never sleeping apps

Disable "Optimise battery usage" for Tasker and the MQTT Client app
Settings > Apps > Tasker > Battery > Optimise battery usage

Disable "Reduce Resource Usage"
Tasker > Preferences > Misc > Reduce Resource Usage
Unless otherwise stated, all my code is released under GPL 3 license: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
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