ongoing thread, to be continued later. please help to make it better ...
I searched for an implementation for the AVM devices, but only found an old sample, which is not working with username and password.
I looked around in the internet and got an sample based on bash scripting from chip magazine. I adapoted it to a domoticz switch.
1) All we need a new folder in ....domoticz/scripts (like fritz)
2) the scripts from the attachment. All the files in the fritz directory and don't forget to make the scripts exutable (chmod +x *)
3) in both scripts we set
- fritz!box address
- password
- username
4) In domitcz we generate a virtual switch
5) know we set on/of parameters
on: script:///home/pi/domoticz/scripts/fritz/ on 087610330743
off: script:///home/pi/domoticz/scripts/fritz/ off 087610330743
6) save & ready to go
If we start the script in an terminal window we got all the Information that are avaible in the Fritzbox. This can be used to improve my quick&dirty implenmantation.
AVM DECT200 - switch / domiticz on raspberry
Moderator: leecollings
- Posts: 4
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- Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: AVM DECT200 - switch / domiticz on raspberry
Switching the DECT 200 on or off with domoticz works fine.
Now I want to see the power consumption of the DECT200 in domoticz.
Anybody who can help me ?
Now I want to see the power consumption of the DECT200 in domoticz.
Anybody who can help me ?
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Re: AVM DECT200 - switch / domiticz on raspberry
Hello, I also use a couple of DECT 200 and wanted status and consumption as well as total energy. I initially used sensors to display but now headed over to multiline text. You need the following (I put all in my domoticz/scripts folder) and make sure all references to files are in the absolute path:
1. Script to get connected DECT200 written to a txt file; at the end, you find a link to python script to then write all into JSON format; my filename was (make sure you have it executable chmod +x
2. Script to write data into JSON format (my filename was
3. Lua event in Domoticz; I kept a lot of other code since it required debugging on the way. I am not an expert and hope somebody of you can make this code much smarter. I used sensors which I now don't. I decided to stay with text driven based on the status. If switched on, I will show status, current power and total energy - if switched off, status and total energy.
1. Script to get connected DECT200 written to a txt file; at the end, you find a link to python script to then write all into JSON format; my filename was (make sure you have it executable chmod +x
Code: Select all
# Konfiguration #
rm /home/domoticz/scripts/DECT200.txt
if [ "$fbox" = "" ]; then
echo Bitte Fritzbox Adresse im Script eintragen
exit 1
CURL=$(which curl)
MD5SUM=$(which md5sum)
ICONV=$(which iconv)
AWK=$(which awk)
# Die SmartHome-Seite der Fritzbox
CURLCMD="$CURL -s $fbox/webservices/homeautoswitch.lua"
# Funktion zum Ermitteln der SID / Anmeldung bei der Fritzbox
get_sid() {
challenge=$(curl -s http://$fbox/login_sid.lua | grep -o "<Challenge>[a-z0-9]\{8\}" | cut -d'>' -f 2)
hash=$(echo -n "$challenge-$PASSWD" |sed -e 's,.,&\n,g' | tr '\n' '\0' | md5sum | grep -o "[0-9a-z]\{32\}")
SID=$(curl -s "http://$fbox/login_sid.lua" -d "response=$challenge-$hash" -d 'username='${USER} \
| grep -o "<SID>[a-z0-9]\{16\}" | cut -d'>' -f 2)
#echo SID: $SID
# Funktion zum Ermitteln von Werten
get_value() {
if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
get_sid # SID holen
if [ "$SID" = "0000000000000000" ]; then
echo -e "${RED}Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen ${NC}"
exit 1
if [ "$SID" = "" ]; then
echo -e "${RED}Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen ${NC}"
exit 1
#echo -e "${GREEN}Anmeldung erfolgreich ${NC}"
# Liste der Schalter ermitteln
get_value getswitchlist
IFS=', ' read -r -a array <<< "$RESULT"
# Werte der Schalter holen
for AIN in "${array[@]}"
#echo -e "${YELLOW}Actor #$COUNTER ${NC}"
get_value getswitchname $AIN
#echo -e "${CYAN}Name: $RESULT ${NC}"
get_value getswitchpresent $AIN
#echo AIN: $AIN
#echo Connected: $DConnected
if [ "$DConnected" = "1" ]; then
get_value getswitchname $AIN
get_value getswitchstate $AIN
get_value getswitchpower $AIN
switchpower=`awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\n\", $RESULT/1000}"` #Power in [W]
get_value getswitchenergy $AIN
DEnergy=$RESULT #Total energy in [Wh]
get_value gettemperature $AIN
DTemperature=`awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.1f\n\", $RESULT/10}"` #Switch temperature in [C]
echo "$AIN" "$DConnected" "$DState" "$DTemperature" "$switchpower" "$DEnergy" "$DName" >> /home/domoticz/scripts/DECT200.txt
#if [ "$RESULT" = "1" ]; then
# bei aktiven Schaltern
# Parameter verarbeiten, etwa: 1 on
#if [ "$1" = "$COUNTER" ]; then
# if [ "$2" = "on" ]; then
# get_value setswitchon $AIN
# echo "set #$COUNTER on"
# fi
# if [ "$2" = "off" ]; then
# get_value setswitchoff $AIN
# echo "set #$COUNTER off"
# fi
# if [ "$2" = "toggle" ]; then
# get_value setswitchtoggle $AIN
# echo "set #$COUNTER toggle"
# fi
# # Alle Werte ermitteln/ausgeben (langsamer)
# get_value getswitchname $AIN
# get_value getswitchstate $AIN
# DState=$RESULT
# get_value getswitchpower $AIN
# switchpower=`awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\n\", $RESULT/1000}"` #Power in [W]
# get_value getswitchenergy $AIN
# DEnergy=$RESULT #Total energy in [Wh]
# get_value gettemperature $AIN
# DTemperature=`awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.1f\n\", $RESULT/10}"` #Switch temperature in [C]
# echo "$DName" "$DState" "$AIN" "$switchpower" "$DEnergy" "$DTemperature" > fritz"$AIN".txt
python /home/domoticz/scripts/
exit 0
Code: Select all
# Python program to convert text
# file to JSON
import json
# the file to be converted
filename = '/home/domoticz/scripts/DECT200.txt'
# resultant dictionary
dict1 = {}
# fields in the sample file
fields =['AIN', 'Connected', 'State', 'Temperature', 'Current Power', 'Total Energy', 'Switch Name']
with open(filename) as fh:
# count variable for employee id creation
l = 1
for line in fh:
# reading line by line from the text file
description = list( line.strip().split(None, 7))
# for output see below
# for automatic creation of id for each employee
sno ='Switch'+str(l)
# loop variable
i = 0
# intermediate dictionary
dict2 = {}
while i<len(fields):
# creating dictionary for each employee
dict2[fields[i]]= description[i]
i = i + 1
# appending the record of each employee to
# the main dictionary
dict1[sno]= dict2
l = l + 1
# creating json file
out_file = open("/home/domoticz/scripts/DECT200.json", "w")
json.dump(dict1, out_file, indent = 5)
Code: Select all
-- lua script
-- mokka plug
-- local idx_2_power = xx
-- local idx_2_energy = xx
local idx_2_state = 31
-- washining machines
-- local idx_6_power = xx
-- local idx_6_energy = xx
local idx_6_state = 34
-- devsocket
local idx_7_state = 35
commandArray = {}
json = (loadfile "/home/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")() -- For Linux
-- API call
local config=assert(io.popen('curl "file:///home/domoticz/scripts/DECT200.json"'))
local Stringjson = config:read('*all')
local jsonData = json:decode(Stringjson)
-- local name2 = jsonData.Switch2['Switch Name']
-- local AIN2 = jsonData.Switch2['AIN']
-- local connected2 = jsonData.Switch2['Connected']
local state2 = jsonData.Switch2['State']
local temperature2 = jsonData.Switch2['Temperature']
local power2 = jsonData.Switch2['Current Power']
local energy2 = jsonData.Switch2['Total Energy']
-- local name6 = jsonData.Switch6['Switch Name']
-- local AIN6 = jsonData.Switch6['AIN']
-- local connected6 = jsonData.Switch6['Connected']
local state6 = jsonData.Switch6['State']
local temperature6 = jsonData.Switch6['Temperature']
local power6 = jsonData.Switch6['Current Power']
local energy6 = jsonData.Switch6['Total Energy']
-- local name7 = jsonData.Switch7['Switch Name']
-- local AIN7 = jsonData.Switch7['AIN']
-- local connected7 = jsonData.Switch7['Connected']
local state7 = jsonData.Switch7['State']
local temperature7 = jsonData.Switch7['Temperature']
local power7 = jsonData.Switch7['Current Power']
local energy7 = jsonData.Switch7['Total Energy']
--print (state2)
local state2num = tonumber(state2)
local state6num = tonumber(state6)
local state7num = tonumber(state7)
if state2num == 0 then
state2txt = 'Switched off'..'\r\n'..'Total '..energy2 ..' Wh'
elseif state2num == 1 then
state2txt = 'Switched on'..'\r\n'..'Power '..power2 ..' W\r\n'..'Total '..energy2 ..' Wh'
if state6num == 0 then
state6txt = 'Switched off'..'\r\n'..'Total '..energy6 ..' Wh'
elseif state6num == 1 then
state6txt = 'Switched on'..'\r\n'..'Power '..power6 ..' W\r\n'..'Total '..energy6 ..' Wh'
if state7num == 0 then
state7txt = 'Switched off'..'\r\n'..'Total '..energy7 ..' Wh'
elseif state7num == 1 then
state7txt = 'Switched on'..'\r\n'..'Power '..power7 ..' W\r\n'..'Total '..energy7 ..' Wh'
--print (state2txt)
--print (Stringjson) -- debug json
--print ('Name '..Name) -- parsed json value
--print ('AIN '..AIN) -- parsed json value
--print ('Connected '..Connected) -- parsed json value
--print ('State '..State) -- parsed json value
--print ('Temperature '..Temperature..' C') -- parsed json value
--print ('Current Power '..CurrentPower..' W') -- parsed json value
--print ('Total Energy '..TotalEnergy..' Wh') -- parsed json value
--energy2kwh = math.ceil(energy2 / 1000)
--energy6kwh = math.ceil(energy6 / 1000)
--commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice']= idx_2_power .. "|0|" .. power2 .. ";" .. energy2}
--commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice']= idx_2_energy .. "|0|" .. energy2}
commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice']= idx_2_state .. "|0|" .. state2txt}
--commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice']= idx_6_power .. "|0|" .. power6 .. ";" .. energy6}
--commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice']= idx_6_energy .. "|0|" .. energy6}
commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice']= idx_6_state .. "|0|" .. state6txt}
commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice']= idx_7_state .. "|0|" .. state7txt}
return commandArray
- Attachments
- DECT200 Domoticz.png (80.86 KiB) Viewed 894 times
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Wednesday 21 November 2018 22:52
- Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: AVM DECT200 - switch / domiticz on raspberry
Hi Geyer,
I have already a node red script working to see the power of a dect 200 in domoticz
But want to see the total energy as well.
Try to get your script working but i miss some stupid things.
Did this steps:
copy your first script in file with name in folder domoticz/scripts/
edit this file and changed USER and PASSWD and save it
With putty I did chmod +x
copy your second script in file with name in folder domoticz/scripts/
in Domoticz2021.1 I create al Lua All with your third script
In domoticz log file I see :
row 17: attempt to call a nil value
row 17 is:
json = (loadfile "/home/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")() -- For Linux
I also create in domoticz 3 general devices with text.
But where do I put this 3 IDX numbers in wich script ?
Thanks so far
I have already a node red script working to see the power of a dect 200 in domoticz
But want to see the total energy as well.
Try to get your script working but i miss some stupid things.
Did this steps:
copy your first script in file with name in folder domoticz/scripts/
edit this file and changed USER and PASSWD and save it
With putty I did chmod +x
copy your second script in file with name in folder domoticz/scripts/
in Domoticz2021.1 I create al Lua All with your third script
In domoticz log file I see :
row 17: attempt to call a nil value
row 17 is:
json = (loadfile "/home/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")() -- For Linux
I also create in domoticz 3 general devices with text.
But where do I put this 3 IDX numbers in wich script ?
Thanks so far
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Friday 18 September 2020 11:13
- Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
- Domoticz version:
- Contact:
Re: AVM DECT200 - switch / domiticz on raspberry
Hi, sorry, wasn't here for a while and have not received a notification on your question. Anyhow, the idx numbers are set in the lua script in Domoticz just at the beginning.
Code: Select all
-- devsocket
local idx_7_state = 35
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