Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz Topic is solved

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Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by WTRDB »

Version: 2021.1
Platform: Raspberry pi 4
Plugin/Hardware: Conbee 2 / Deconz

When i use my hue dimmer switch connected thru Conbee 2 / Deconz does it not reconise the buttons correctly. an example: a short pres on button 2 is a recognize as a long press on button one.

Does anyone recognise this issue and resolved it ?
Last edited by WTRDB on Tuesday 08 June 2021 18:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by Thorgal789 »

Hello, it s possible this device need a special widget for it.
Can you give the device Json ? You can see it on log, on domoticz/custom/deconz, or on Phoscon Beta.
Then enable plugin log, on hardware panel "debug info only".
Can you share the value you have with the button you have used ? Something like

Code: Select all

 2021-06-03 16:54:17.624 (deCONZ) ### WebSocket Data : {'id': '12', 'uniqueid': '00:15:8d:00:22:f0:88:12-01-0012', 'e': 'changed', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1002, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-03T14:54:17.612'}, 't': 'event', 'r': 'sensors'}
2021-06-03 16:54:17.625 (deCONZ) ### Update device (deCONZ - Couloir) : {'nValue': 10, 'sValue': '10'} 
'buttonevent': 1002
If I m right, the first number is the button number, and the second one the event, 1002 > 1 button, short press.
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Joined: Tuesday 11 December 2018 13:49
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Location: Tiel

Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by WTRDB »

Hi Thorgal789, thanks you your response!

I pressed the first button on the switch, this was the output:

Code: Select all

2021-06-04 22:39:51.355 Deconz: (Deconz) onMessage called
2021-06-04 22:39:51.357 Deconz: (Deconz) ### WebSocket Data : {'e': 'changed', 'id': '7', 'r': 'sensors', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1000, 'eventduration': 0, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-04T20:39:51.350'}, 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}
2021-06-04 22:39:51.358 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz Switch) : {'nValue': 0, 'sValue': 'Off'}, IGNORED , no changes !
2021-06-04 22:39:51.458 Deconz: (Deconz) onMessage called
2021-06-04 22:39:51.458 Deconz: (Deconz) ### WebSocket Data : {'e': 'changed', 'id': '7', 'r': 'sensors', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1002, 'eventduration': 1, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-04T20:39:51.450'}, 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}
2021-06-04 22:39:51.459 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz Switch) : {'nValue': 10, 'sValue': '10'}
2021-06-04 22:39:52.066 Deconz: (Deconz) onHeartbeat called
2021-06-04 22:39:52.066 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz Switch) : {'nValue': 0, 'sValue': 'Off'}
So, its look like it gives 2 commands. first a 1000 then a 1002.
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by Thorgal789 »

This is normal 0 mean normal press, and 2 Release press.
1000 > normal press for button 1 (ignored by code)
1002 > button 1 released.

I have take a look in the code. If your model is is exaclty "RWL021" it use generic fonction.
a short pres on button 2 is a recognize as a long press on button one
Short press button 2 give
2002 > 10 * 2 = 20
Long press press button 1 give
1001 (press) ignored
1003 (release) > 20 * 1 = 20

So yes, there is a problem for this device. I just need to know the model id exact, are you sure it s eaxactly "RWL02", visible on domotic/custom/deconz.
And as the future widget will be eaxctly for this device, can you tell me the working command ? I don't think for exemple the button on/off support long press.
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Joined: Tuesday 11 December 2018 13:49
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Location: Tiel

Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by WTRDB »

Hi Thorgal789,

Yes, its exaxt the RWL021
"ep": 2,
"etag": "ce61293b8b3fd351c5c92f345a9fa216",
"lastseen": "2021-06-05T09:33Z",
"manufacturername": "Philips",
"mode": 1,
"modelid": "RWL021",
"name": "Dimmer Switch",
"state": {
"buttonevent": 1002,
"eventduration": 1,
"lastupdated": "2021-06-04T20:39:51.450"
I just came across this script, it contains the exact expected commands: ... fb021d259e

Maby you can get what you need from there?
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by Thorgal789 »

Yep, thx, You can try the beta branch.
IDK how you have installed the plugin, but if you have used git command

Go in plugin folder

Code: Select all

cd Domoticz\plugins\Domoticz-deCONZ
Update git

Code: Select all

git pull
Change branch

Code: Select all

git checkout beta
Update (to be sure)

Code: Select all

git pull
Then you can delete the created widget for your device, and restart deconz (hardware/deconz/update), at restart deconz will create a new widget just for this device.
Posts: 11
Joined: Tuesday 11 December 2018 13:49
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2021.1
Location: Tiel

Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by WTRDB »

Hi thorgal789

Thanks for your help, but unfortunately it still doesn't work. (same behavior) maybe I did something wrong, Can I check if I have the right config now?

Code: Select all

pi@WdB-Pi4001:/opt/smarthome/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-deCONZ $ git checkout beta
Already on 'beta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/beta'.
pi@WdB-Pi4001:/opt/smarthome/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-deCONZ $ git pull
Already up to date.
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by Thorgal789 »

You have deleted the previous remote, in devices panel ? If yes, when you have restart deconz, you will have in log a notification about a new device added.

You can compare files, changes are here ... d8b83dab34

I m just seing this device was previously used with tradfri remote, but the code was disabled, and I don't remember why ...
Posts: 11
Joined: Tuesday 11 December 2018 13:49
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2021.1
Location: Tiel

Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by WTRDB »

I checked, and the new lines are in the removed the device and added it agian. The single presses are fine now but the long presses are still not recognized.

I exported the full log of the single press.

Code: Select all

2021-06-07 18:00:29.084 Deconz: (Deconz) onHeartbeat called
2021-06-07 18:00:29.088 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Initialisation > config
2021-06-07 18:00:29.088 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Request config
2021-06-07 18:00:29.088 Deconz: (Deconz) Send Command /api/C2A23BA324/config/ with None (0 in buffer)
2021-06-07 18:00:29.088 Deconz: (Deconz) Making Request: with params None
2021-06-07 18:00:29.116 Deconz: (Deconz) Request Return: {"UTC":"2021-06-07T16:00:29","apiversion":"1.16.0","backup":{"errorcode":0,"status":"idle"},"bridgeid":"00212EFFFF071E0F","datastoreversion":"93","devicename":"ConBee II","dhcp":true,"disablePermitJoinAutoOff":false,"factorynew":false,"fwversion":"0x26660700","gateway":"","internetservices":{"internet":"connected","remoteaccess":"disconnected","swupdate":"connected","time":"connected"},"ipaddress":"","lightlastseeninterval":60,"linkbutton":false,"localtime":"2021-06-07T15:00:29","mac":"e4:5f:01:08:91:e8","modelid":"deCONZ","name":"Phoscon-GW","netmask":"","networkopenduration":180,"panid":6859,"portalconnection":"disconnected","portalservices":false,"portalstate":{"communication":"disconnected","incoming":false,"outgoing":false,"signedon":false},"proxyaddress":"none","proxyport":0,"replacesbridgeid":null,"rfconnected":true,"starterkitid":"","swupdate":{"checkforupdate":false,"devicetypes":{"bridge":false,"lights":[],"sensors":[]},"notify":false,"text":"","updatestate":0,"url":""},"swupdate2":{"autoinstall":{"on":false,"updatetime":""},"bridge":{"lastinstall":"2021-05-17T16:24:11","state":"noupdates"},"checkforupdate":false,"lastchange":"","state":"noupdates"},"swversion":"2.11.5","timeformat":"24h","timezone":"Etc/GMT+1","uuid":"95e77e4f-5803-4210-8577-ae44af9d4935","websocketnotifyall":true,"websocketport":8088,"whitelist":{"1B1520A50F":{"create date":"2021-05-15T15:09:53","last use date":"2021-05-16T10:37:40","name":"Phoscon#B1920x937"},"1D14A87469":{"create date":"2021-05-15T14:43:08","last use date":"2021-05-15T14:44:21","name":"Domoticz"},"5A736A1A92":{"create date":"2021-05-18T13:40:11","last use date":"2021-05-18T15:45:01","name":"Phoscon#B1291x927"},"6FAB4DA903":{"create date":"2021-06-02T04:21:44","last use date":"2021-06-02T04:29:06","name":"Phoscon#B1366x938"},"778FEFC322":{"create date":"2021-05-28T20:10:48","last use date":"2021-05-30T20:18:50","name":"Phoscon#B375x635"},"7DADF843CA":{"create date":"2021-05-15T19:22:13","last use date":"2021-05-15T23:01:01","name":"Phoscon#B1920x969"},"A54F2AF41A":{"create date":"2021-06-05T14:31:53","last use date":"2021-06-05T14:36:43","name":"Phoscon#B2400x1171"},"B9147004CF":{"create date":"2021-05-15T15:20:26","last use date":"2021-05-15T15:20:26","name":"Domoticz"},"C2A23BA324":{"create date":"2021-05-15T15:35:26","last use date":"2021-06-07T16:00:29","name":"Domoticz"},"DED06E8B42":{"create date":"2021-06-01T16:09:16","last use date":"2021-06-01T19:14:59","name":"Phoscon#B375x635"},"EA2F109D09":{"create date":"2021-05-18T11:01:01","last use date":"2021-05-18T13:03:00","name":"Phoscon#B1700x936"},"F21FA342ED":{"create date":"2021-05-15T15:11:29","last use date":"2021-05-15T15:11:29","name":"Domoticz"},"FA0EB7FB9F":{"create date":"2021-05-15T15:23:16","last use date":"2021-05-15T15:23:16","name":"Domoticz"}},"zigbeechannel":20}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.117 Deconz: (Deconz) Classic Data : {'UTC': '2021-06-07T16:00:29', 'apiversion': '1.16.0', 'backup': {'errorcode': 0, 'status': 'idle'}, 'bridgeid': '00212EFFFF071E0F', 'datastoreversion': '93', 'devicename': 'ConBee II', 'dhcp': True, 'disablePermitJoinAutoOff': False, 'factorynew': False, 'fwversion': '0x26660700', 'gateway': '', 'internetservices': {'internet': 'connected', 'remoteaccess': 'disconnected', 'swupdate': 'connected', 'time': 'connected'}, 'ipaddress': '', 'lightlastseeninterval': 60, 'linkbutton': False, 'localtime': '2021-06-07T15:00:29', 'mac': 'e4:5f:01:08:91:e8', 'modelid': 'deCONZ', 'name': 'Phoscon-GW', 'netmask': '', 'networkopenduration': 180, 'panid': 6859, 'portalconnection': 'disconnected', 'portalservices': False, 'portalstate': {'communication': 'disconnected', 'incoming': False, 'outgoing': False, 'signedon': False}, 'proxyaddress': 'none', 'proxyport': 0, 'replacesbridgeid': None, 'rfconnected': True, 'starterkitid': '', 'swupdate': {'checkforupdate': False, 'devicetypes': {'bridge': False, 'lights': [], 'sensors': []}, 'notify': False, 'text': '', 'updatestate': 0, 'url': ''}, 'swupdate2': {'autoinstall': {'on': False, 'updatetime': ''}, 'bridge': {'lastinstall': '2021-05-17T16:24:11', 'state': 'noupdates'}, 'checkforupdate': False, 'lastchange': '', 'state': 'noupdates'}, 'swversion': '2.11.5', 'timeformat': '24h', 'timezone': 'Etc/GMT+1', 'uuid': '95e77e4f-5803-4210-8577-ae44af9d4935', 'websocketnotifyall': True, 'websocketport': 8088, 'whitelist': {'1B1520A50F': {'create date': '2021-05-15T15:09:53', 'last use date': '2021-05-16T10:37:40', 'name': 'Phoscon#B1920x937'}, '1D14A87469': {'create date': '2021-05-15T14:43:08', 'last use date': '2021-05-15T14:44:21', 'name': 'Domoticz'}, '5A736A1A92': {'create date': '2021-05-18T13:40:11', 'last use date': '2021-05-18T15:45:01', 'name': 'Phoscon#B1291x927'}, '6FAB4DA903': {'create date': '2021-06-02T04:21:44', 'last use date': '2021-06-02T04:29:06', 'name': 'Phoscon#B1366x938'}, '778FEFC322': {'create date': '2021-05-28T20:10:48', 'last use date': '2021-05-30T20:18:50', 'name': 'Phoscon#B375x635'}, '7DADF843CA': {'create date': '2021-05-15T19:22:13', 'last use date': '2021-05-15T23:01:01', 'name': 'Phoscon#B1920x969'}, 'A54F2AF41A': {'create date': '2021-06-05T14:31:53', 'last use date': '2021-06-05T14:36:43', 'name': 'Phoscon#B2400x1171'}, 'B9147004CF': {'create date': '2021-05-15T15:20:26', 'last use date': '2021-05-15T15:20:26', 'name': 'Domoticz'}, 'C2A23BA324': {'create date': '2021-05-15T15:35:26', 'last use date': '2021-06-07T16:00:29', 'name': 'Domoticz'}, 'DED06E8B42': {'create date': '2021-06-01T16:09:16', 'last use date': '2021-06-01T19:14:59', 'name': 'Phoscon#B375x635'}, 'EA2F109D09': {'create date': '2021-05-18T11:01:01', 'last use date': '2021-05-18T13:03:00', 'name': 'Phoscon#B1700x936'}, 'F21FA342ED': {'create date': '2021-05-15T15:11:29', 'last use date': '2021-05-15T15:11:29', 'name': 'Domoticz'}, 'FA0EB7FB9F': {'create date': '2021-05-15T15:23:16', 'last use date': '2021-05-15T15:23:16', 'name': 'Domoticz'}}, 'zigbeechannel': 20}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.118 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Request lights
2021-06-07 18:00:29.118 Deconz: (Deconz) Send Command /api/C2A23BA324/lights/ with None (0 in buffer)
2021-06-07 18:00:29.118 Deconz: (Deconz) Making Request: with params None
2021-06-07 18:00:29.128 Deconz: (Deconz) Request Return: {"1":{"etag":"dcac65829314377b9018ee58f124e197","hascolor":false,"lastannounced":null,"lastseen":"2021-06-07T15:59Z","manufacturername":"dresden elektronik","modelid":"ConBee II","name":"Configuration tool 1","state":{"reachable":true},"swversion":"0x26660700","type":"Configuration tool","uniqueid":"00:21:2e:ff:ff:07:1e:0f-01"}}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.129 Deconz: (Deconz) Classic Data : {'1': {'etag': 'dcac65829314377b9018ee58f124e197', 'hascolor': False, 'lastannounced': None, 'lastseen': '2021-06-07T15:59Z', 'manufacturername': 'dresden elektronik', 'modelid': 'ConBee II', 'name': 'Configuration tool 1', 'state': {'reachable': True}, 'swversion': '0x26660700', 'type': 'Configuration tool', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:07:1e:0f-01'}}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.129 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Device > 1 Name:Configuration tool 1 Type:Configuration tool Details:{'reachable': True} and []
2021-06-07 18:00:29.129 Deconz: (Deconz) Skipping Device (Useless) : 00:21:2e:ff:ff:07:1e:0f-01
2021-06-07 18:00:29.129 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Request sensors
2021-06-07 18:00:29.129 Deconz: (Deconz) Send Command /api/C2A23BA324/sensors/ with None (0 in buffer)
2021-06-07 18:00:29.129 Deconz: (Deconz) Making Request: with params None
2021-06-07 18:00:29.142 Deconz: (Deconz) Request Return: {"1":{"config":{"configured":true,"on":true,"sunriseoffset":30,"sunsetoffset":-30},"etag":"4aa9e6cf9ffa22a1d7ff56bf6afc5c2a","manufacturername":"Philips","modelid":"PHDL00","name":"Daylight","state":{"dark":false,"daylight":true,"lastupdated":"2021-06-07T11:38:46.898","status":170,"sunrise":"2021-06-07T03:22:26","sunset":"2021-06-07T19:54:57"},"swversion":"1.0","type":"Daylight","uniqueid":"00:21:2e:ff:ff:07:1e:0f-01"},"2":{"config":{"battery":100,"offset":0,"on":true,"reachable":true},"ep":1,"etag":"850795b3a0043a62c5ecf790202ce46d","lastseen":"2021-06-07T15:39Z","manufacturername":"LUMI","modelid":"","name":"Multi Sensor","state":{"lastupdated":"2021-06-07T15:39:15.711","temperature":2358},"swversion":"20191205","type":"ZHATemperature","uniqueid":"00:15:8d:00:06:7b:ff:d0-01-0402"},"3":{"config":{"battery":100,"offset":-3,"on":true,"reachable":true},"ep":1,"etag":"ea52044837d5d4f322a867739e3a3f12","lastseen":"2021-06-07T15:39Z","manufacturername":"LUMI","modelid":"","name":"Humidity 3","state":{"humidity":4547,"lastupdated":"2021-06-07T15:39:15.723"},"swversion":"20191205","type":"ZHAHumidity","uniqueid":"00:15:8d:00:06:7b:ff:d0-01-0405"},"4":{"config":{"battery":100,"on":true,"reachable":true},"ep":1,"etag":"ff1dbb4348f3b3fc7dfcc552345b62a9","lastseen":"2021-06-07T15:39Z","manufacturername":"LUMI","modelid":"","name":"Pressure 4","state":{"lastupdated":"2021-06-07T15:39:15.730","pressure":1022},"swversion":"20191205","type":"ZHAPressure","uniqueid":"00:15:8d:00:06:7b:ff:d0-01-0403"},"8":{"config":{"battery":67,"group":"4","on":true,"reachable":true},"ep":2,"etag":"32051567397a78789aa640bbed8eda13","lastseen":"2021-06-07T16:00Z","manufacturername":"Philips","mode":1,"modelid":"RWL021","name":"Dimmer Switch","state":{"buttonevent":1002,"eventduration":1,"lastupdated":"2021-06-07T16:00:23.868"},"swversion":"","type":"ZHASwitch","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00"}}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.143 Deconz: (Deconz) Classic Data : {'1': {'config': {'configured': True, 'on': True, 'sunriseoffset': 30, 'sunsetoffset': -30}, 'etag': '4aa9e6cf9ffa22a1d7ff56bf6afc5c2a', 'manufacturername': 'Philips', 'modelid': 'PHDL00', 'name': 'Daylight', 'state': {'dark': False, 'daylight': True, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T11:38:46.898', 'status': 170, 'sunrise': '2021-06-07T03:22:26', 'sunset': '2021-06-07T19:54:57'}, 'swversion': '1.0', 'type': 'Daylight', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:07:1e:0f-01'}, '2': {'config': {'battery': 100, 'offset': 0, 'on': True, 'reachable': True}, 'ep': 1, 'etag': '850795b3a0043a62c5ecf790202ce46d', 'lastseen': '2021-06-07T15:39Z', 'manufacturername': 'LUMI', 'modelid': '', 'name': 'Multi Sensor', 'state': {'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T15:39:15.711', 'temperature': 2358}, 'swversion': '20191205', 'type': 'ZHATemperature', 'uniqueid': '00:15:8d:00:06:7b:ff:d0-01-0402'}, '3': {'config': {'battery': 100, 'offset': -3, 'on': True, 'reachable': True}, 'ep': 1, 'etag': 'ea52044837d5d4f322a867739e3a3f12', 'lastseen': '2021-06-07T15:39Z', 'manufacturername': 'LUMI', 'modelid': '', 'name': 'Humidity 3', 'state': {'humidity': 4547, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T15:39:15.723'}, 'swversion': '20191205', 'type': 'ZHAHumidity', 'uniqueid': '00:15:8d:00:06:7b:ff:d0-01-0405'}, '4': {'config': {'battery': 100, 'on': True, 'reachable': True}, 'ep': 1, 'etag': 'ff1dbb4348f3b3fc7dfcc552345b62a9', 'lastseen': '2021-06-07T15:39Z', 'manufacturername': 'LUMI', 'modelid': '', 'name': 'Pressure 4', 'state': {'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T15:39:15.730', 'pressure': 1022}, 'swversion': '20191205', 'type': 'ZHAPressure', 'uniqueid': '00:15:8d:00:06:7b:ff:d0-01-0403'}, '8': {'config': {'battery': 67, 'group': '4', 'on': True, 'reachable': True}, 'ep': 2, 'etag': '32051567397a78789aa640bbed8eda13', 'lastseen': '2021-06-07T16:00Z', 'manufacturername': 'Philips', 'mode': 1, 'modelid': 'RWL021', 'name': 'Dimmer Switch', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1002, 'eventduration': 1, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T16:00:23.868'}, 'swversion': '', 'type': 'ZHASwitch', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.144 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Device > 1 Name:Daylight Type:Daylight Details:{'dark': False, 'daylight': True, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T11:38:46.898', 'status': 170, 'sunrise': '2021-06-07T03:22:26', 'sunset': '2021-06-07T19:54:57'} and {'configured': True, 'on': True, 'sunriseoffset': 30, 'sunsetoffset': -30}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.157 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz - Daylight) : {'nValue': 1, 'sValue': 'On'}, IGNORED , no changes !
2021-06-07 18:00:29.157 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Device > 2 Name:Multi Sensor Type:ZHATemperature Details:{'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T15:39:15.711', 'temperature': 2358} and {'battery': 100, 'offset': 0, 'on': True, 'reachable': True}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.158 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Temperature bathroom) : {'nValue': 0, 'sValue': '23.58', 'BatteryLevel': 100}, IGNORED , no changes !
2021-06-07 18:00:29.158 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Device > 3 Name:Humidity 3 Type:ZHAHumidity Details:{'humidity': 4547, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T15:39:15.723'} and {'battery': 100, 'offset': -3, 'on': True, 'reachable': True}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.158 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Humidity bathroom) : {'nValue': 45, 'sValue': '1', 'BatteryLevel': 100}, IGNORED , no changes !
2021-06-07 18:00:29.158 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Device > 4 Name:Pressure 4 Type:ZHAPressure Details:{'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T15:39:15.730', 'pressure': 1022} and {'battery': 100, 'on': True, 'reachable': True}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.159 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz - Pressure 4) : {'nValue': 0, 'sValue': '1022;2', 'BatteryLevel': 100}, IGNORED , no changes !
2021-06-07 18:00:29.159 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Device > 8 Name:Dimmer Switch Type:ZHASwitch Details:{'buttonevent': 1002, 'eventduration': 1, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T16:00:23.868'} and {'battery': 67, 'group': '4', 'on': True, 'reachable': True}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.159 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz - Dimmer Switch) : {'nValue': 0, 'sValue': 'Off', 'BatteryLevel': 67}, IGNORED , no changes !
2021-06-07 18:00:29.159 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Request groups
2021-06-07 18:00:29.159 Deconz: (Deconz) Send Command /api/C2A23BA324/groups/ with None (0 in buffer)
2021-06-07 18:00:29.159 Deconz: (Deconz) Making Request: with params None
2021-06-07 18:00:29.168 Deconz: (Deconz) Request Return: {"3":{"action":{"alert":"none","bri":127,"colormode":"hs","ct":0,"effect":"none","hue":0,"on":false,"sat":127,"scene":null,"xy":[0,0]},"devicemembership":[],"etag":"d0a0b520b9fc3b40d3c774afb5625245","id":"3","lights":[],"name":"RWL021 7","scenes":[],"state":{"all_on":false,"any_on":false},"type":"LightGroup","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78"},"4":{"action":{"alert":"none","bri":127,"colormode":"hs","ct":0,"effect":"none","hue":0,"on":true,"sat":127,"scene":null,"xy":[0,0]},"devicemembership":["8"],"etag":"88ec97327d95fb603de5ba23260286e7","id":"4","lights":[],"name":"RWL021 8","scenes":[],"state":{"all_on":false,"any_on":false},"type":"LightGroup","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78"}}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.168 Deconz: (Deconz) Classic Data : {'3': {'action': {'alert': 'none', 'bri': 127, 'colormode': 'hs', 'ct': 0, 'effect': 'none', 'hue': 0, 'on': False, 'sat': 127, 'scene': None, 'xy': [0, 0]}, 'devicemembership': [], 'etag': 'd0a0b520b9fc3b40d3c774afb5625245', 'id': '3', 'lights': [], 'name': 'RWL021 7', 'scenes': [], 'state': {'all_on': False, 'any_on': False}, 'type': 'LightGroup', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78'}, '4': {'action': {'alert': 'none', 'bri': 127, 'colormode': 'hs', 'ct': 0, 'effect': 'none', 'hue': 0, 'on': True, 'sat': 127, 'scene': None, 'xy': [0, 0]}, 'devicemembership': ['8'], 'etag': '88ec97327d95fb603de5ba23260286e7', 'id': '4', 'lights': [], 'name': 'RWL021 8', 'scenes': [], 'state': {'all_on': False, 'any_on': False}, 'type': 'LightGroup', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78'}}
2021-06-07 18:00:29.168 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Groupe > 3 Name:RWL021 7
2021-06-07 18:00:29.168 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Groupe > 4 Name:RWL021 8
2021-06-07 18:00:29.219 Deconz: (Deconz) onConnect called
2021-06-07 18:00:29.269 Deconz: (Deconz) onMessage called
2021-06-07 18:00:29.269 Deconz: (Deconz) WebSocket Handshake : HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols ***Upgrade: websocket ***Connection: Upgrade ***Sec-WebSocket-Accept: V0htEbn5FhIA1xfQRyG3yU1aG9c= ***Server: deconz ***Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: false ***Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET ***Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type ***Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ***Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2021 16:00:29 GMT *** ***

I hope you can see the issues in the debug :)
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by Thorgal789 »

The single presses are fine now but the long presses are still not recognized.
Can you show the logs when using long press ? I have used same value than on your link, so it s value during long press, not the release.

Code: Select all

2021-06-04 22:39:51.355 Deconz: (Deconz) onMessage called
2021-06-04 22:39:51.357 Deconz: (Deconz) ### WebSocket Data : {'e': 'changed', 'id': '7', 'r': 'sensors', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1000, 'eventduration': 0, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-04T20:39:51.350'}, 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}
2021-06-04 22:39:51.358 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz Switch) : {'nValue': 0, 'sValue': 'Off'}, IGNORED , no changes !
Perhaps not all buttons support long press, try with thoses one for luminosity.
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by WTRDB »

This is the full log of the long button press and release. i see first a 1000, then a 1001 and at last the expected 1003.

Code: Select all

2021-06-07 19:30:45.529 Deconz: (Deconz) onMessage called
2021-06-07 19:30:45.530 Deconz: (Deconz) ### WebSocket Data : {'e': 'changed', 'id': '8', 'r': 'sensors', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1000, 'eventduration': 0, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T17:30:45.519'}, 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}
2021-06-07 19:30:45.531 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz - Dimmer Switch) : {'nValue': 0, 'sValue': 'Off'}, IGNORED , no changes !
2021-06-07 19:30:46.332 Deconz: (Deconz) onMessage called
2021-06-07 19:30:46.332 Deconz: (Deconz) ### WebSocket Data : {'e': 'changed', 'id': '8', 'r': 'sensors', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1001, 'eventduration': 8, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T17:30:46.319'}, 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}
2021-06-07 19:30:46.333 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz - Dimmer Switch) : {'nValue': 20, 'sValue': '20'}
2021-06-07 19:30:46.549 Deconz: (Deconz) onMessage called
2021-06-07 19:30:46.549 Deconz: (Deconz) ### WebSocket Data : {'e': 'changed', 'id': '8', 'r': 'sensors', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1003, 'eventduration': 10, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T17:30:46.520'}, 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}
2021-06-07 19:30:46.550 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz - Dimmer Switch) : {'nValue': 0, 'sValue': 'Off'}
2021-06-07 19:30:49.063 Deconz: (Deconz) onHeartbeat called
2021-06-07 19:30:49.064 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz - Dimmer Switch) : {'nValue': 0, 'sValue': 'Off'}, IGNORED , no changes !
2021-06-07 19:30:59.052 Deconz: (Deconz) onHeartbeat called
Hope you understand this behavior.
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by Thorgal789 »

So it have worked no ?

For short press button 1 you have 1002 > 10
For long press button 1 you have 1001 > 20
2021-06-07 19:30:46.332 Deconz: (Deconz) ### WebSocket Data : {'e': 'changed', 'id': '8', 'r': 'sensors', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1001, 'eventduration': 8, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T17:30:46.319'}, 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}
2021-06-07 19:30:46.333 Deconz: (Deconz) ### Update device (Deconz - Dimmer Switch) : {'nValue': 20, 'sValue': '20'}
For short press button 2 you have 2002 > 30
For long press button 2 you have 2001 > 40
For short press button 3 you have 3002 > 50
For long press button 3 you have 3001 > 60

first a 1000 > short press initial = ignored
then a 1001 > long press actualy pressed
and at last the expected 1003 > long press released ignored

If you prefer I can use the release event instead of the actualy pressed ? But the actualy pressed is better for script, for exemple a dimmer script.
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by WTRDB »

No, its not working jet.

When i check the device data (domoticz/custom/deconz/Switch) i see the following: so only the X002 and X003 have a function

Long press:
"buttonevent": 1003,
"eventduration": 11,
"lastupdated": "2021-06-07T19:19:47.458"

Code: Select all

2021-06-07 21:19:47.498 Deconz: (Deconz) ### WebSocket Data : {'e': 'changed', 'id': '8', 'r': 'sensors', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1003, 'eventduration': 11, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T19:19:47.458'}, 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}
Short press:
"buttonevent": 1002,
"eventduration": 0,
"lastupdated": "2021-06-07T19:20:19.997"

Code: Select all

2021-06-07 21:20:20.017 Deconz: (Deconz) ### WebSocket Data : {'e': 'changed', 'id': '8', 'r': 'sensors', 'state': {'buttonevent': 1002, 'eventduration': 0, 'lastupdated': '2021-06-07T19:20:19.997'}, 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:17:88:01:02:0e:96:78-02-fc00'}
So the X002 are for short press button and the X003 for the long press button
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by Thorgal789 »

And if you take a look on the widget, on the "log" button ? you haven't value for long press ? Called L1, L2, ...

It's like you prefer, X001 if for long press and X003 for long press release.
Have updated the code to test with release, no need to re-include the device, just restart the plugin.

Code: Select all

cd Domoticz\plugins\Domoticz-deCONZ
git pull
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by WTRDB »

Hi Thorgal,

Thankyou very much! its working like a charm now. This is exactly the behavior I expected!
The remote is working in combination with dzvents and reacts almost 3 seconds faster than Hue(switch) > demoticz(script) > Hue(lamps) the last 1/2 seconds of the delay is probably still in domoticz > Hue(lamps). so thats the next job to do!
Enjoy your Coffee :D
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by Thorgal789 »

Lol, thx for the coffe, so using release is better.
And Thx to you too, to help to correct the code, I think you was not the only one with this issue, and IDK what happen on code for this device ...

I m waiting for a return for a last change for siren device, and I will make the beta official in 1 week I think.
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Re: Hue dimmer switch (RWL021) Conbee 2 / Deconz

Post by WTRDB »

I tested now my SML001 devices (Philips hue Motion sensor first gen) the motion, tempature and Lux are working fine. So no rework on that.
I will contact you when I'm going to encounter unexpected behavior again :D
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