EvoHome temperature and setpoint disappeared from widget

For Evohome related questions in Domoticz

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EvoHome temperature and setpoint disappeared from widget

Post by JeroenL »

Hello all,

Not sure when it happened, but since a week or so, the current temperature and setpoint disappeared from from the widget. Also the actual temperature and setpoint are no longer available in the graph.
Think it it I is related to an update on the pi I did at that moment in time (apt-get upgrade).

Any ideas what I broke? Thanks a million, Jeroen
Schermafbeelding 2020-12-29 om 10.10.48.png
Schermafbeelding 2020-12-29 om 10.10.48.png (53.05 KiB) Viewed 2258 times
A4E0614C-3C12-46CA-9B9D-3D516E32C3DC.jpeg (115.3 KiB) Viewed 2258 times
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Re: EvoHome temperature and setpoint disappeared from widget

Post by JeroenL »

Update (on what does not work...)

Did a reset to Factory Settings of the EvoHome controller, reonnected / reconfigured my EvoHome (Wifi).
I also have an HGI80, where it looks like other zones do get passed through correctly. Looks like it is only the EvoHome not cooperating. Access via the Honeywell app works as before.

Hope someone has a clue what else to try...

Update @2021-02-01

Still not working. However, I noticed that when I refresh the browser page showingthe thermostat, for a second or so values are shown on the screen, but the get "overwritten" with something (blank text, a non-showing image?)

Also, I did install the Evohome Wifi hardware version in parallel, that one does work.
Posts: 53
Joined: Sunday 27 December 2015 19:38
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2023.2
Location: Netherlands

Re: EvoHome temperature and setpoint disappeared from widget

Post by JeroenL »

Finally, not so complex, just removed the devices in the settings/devices menu. Ensure "Allow new hardware is on" et voila.... a while later it was back. Re-added the device to my dashboard.
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