ID Correlation - Web API & HIG80 (equiv)

For Evohome related questions in Domoticz

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ID Correlation - Web API & HIG80 (equiv)

Post by AndyP »

In the initial stages of setting Domoticz to monitor and graph an Evohome installation

I use an RFbee setup to emulate the HIG80 and the data is being logged correctly. With some 6 zones currently I was trying to save time decoding which IDs correspond to the zones name I have setup. (The reality is that it would be quicker to run around a stimulate activity from the components (HR92s Thermostats etc) rather than type this ...)

So, I added in the Web API 'hardware' and got the list of 'devices' , these duplicate most of the 'HIG80' sniffed entries of course. However this hasn't really progressed since the Web API is using ZoneIDs that aren't used (as far as I can tell) over the RF network. I want the % actuator readings that aren't available from the API which is the reason for the RFBee route.

I couldn't discover a simple number/formatting correlation , but perhaps others have. A somewhat 'academic' question really as other solutions exist.

I have to say a big thanks to a cast of people that made implementing this setup through from the RFBee to Domoticz on RPi remarkably straight forward
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