Easy backup to remote share (e.g. NAS)

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Easy backup to remote share (e.g. NAS)

Post by jerry »

Hi all,

I have created a solution to backup files and folders to a remote CIFS file share (in my case Synology). It does not require FTP and is very easy to use. I could not find an easy manual to do this, so here you go. Basic Linux knowledge is required.

Step 1: create a file share on your target device (e.g. Synology, QNAP or Windows) and create a user with write permissions. There are plenty of manuals how to do this. My remote folder is called \\diskstation\User\domoticz

Step 2: create a folder on your Domoticz server to mount the share (I use /diskstation):

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sudo mkdir /diskstation
Step 3: mount the remote share on your domoticz server (I have a pi). The best way is to add this line to /etc/fstab (do this as root!) so it is reconnected after a reboot:

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sudo vi /etc/fstab
add this line to the bottom (use your own pathnames and username/password):

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//   /diskstation    cifs    _netdev,username=<yourusername>,password=<yourpassword>,dir_mode=0755,file_mode=0755,uid=1000,gid=1000     0       0
mount the share:

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sudo mount /diskstation
check if you can access the share and create a subfolder (use the following command one by one and check output):

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mount /diskstation
ls -l /diskstation
touch /diskstation/testfile
ls -l /diskstation
rm /diskstation/testfile
mkdir /diskstation/backup
Step 4: I use a small script to backup the database and scripts. It is very easy to backup more files/folders:

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vi ~/backup_domoticz.sh
The script I use:

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DOMO_IP=""  # Domoticz IP
DOMO_PORT="8080"        # Domoticz port

/usr/bin/curl -s http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/backupdatabase.php > /$DESTDIR/domoticz_backup.db
cp -r /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/ $DESTDIR
Step 5: Add the script to cron (note: the scripts does not require root in my config, but you may need to add sudo):

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crontab -e
and add the line:

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50 23 * * * ~/backup_domoticz.sh
And you're done. Hope you like it!
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Re: Easy backup to remote share (e.g. NAS)

Post by Smiggel »

Thanks for the tutorial! It works excellent. :-)
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Re: Easy backup to remote share (e.g. NAS)

Post by jake »

Thanks for sharing the script and the how-to!
Do I need to make the script executable? If so, how?
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Re: Easy backup to remote share (e.g. NAS)


great job!
aditionally if you want to remove files older than X days you can use this:

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find /synobackups/* -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
when /synobackups/ is the folder thant i mount and 30 is the X days you want to delete
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Re: Easy backup to remote share (e.g. NAS)

Post by jeroennus »

After almost losing all my script en config this week I tried a couple of backup solutions. Liked this one the most because I don't have to use FTP on my Qnap. Thanks for posting this!!
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Re: Easy backup to remote share (e.g. NAS)

Post by knielen »

Great tool!

The script now generates the same filename every day, so you do an override on your existing files. If you want to have a new file every day you have to add the date to the filename;

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/usr/bin/curl -s http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/backupdatabase.php > /$DESTDIR/domoticz_backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d").db
Or whole script with deleting older files:

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DOMO_IP=""  # Domoticz IP
DOMO_PORT="8080"        # Domoticz port

/usr/bin/curl -s http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/backupdatabase.php > /$DESTDIR/domoticz_backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d").db
cp -r /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/ $DESTDIR
find $DESTDIR/* -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
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Re: Easy backup to remote share (e.g. NAS)

Post by HansieNL »

I'm using a NFS share and use the following.

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### PLACE THIS SCRIPT IN:/home/pi/domoticz/scripts
DOMO_IP=""  # Domoticz IP 
DOMO_PORT="8181"        # Domoticz port 
TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d%H%M`

# Create backup and make tar archives
/usr/bin/curl -s http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/backupdatabase.php > /mnt/backupz/$BACKUPDBFILE
sudo tar --exclude='domoticz.db-shm' --exclude='domoticz.db-wal' -zcvf /mnt/backupz/$BACKUPFILES -T /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/domoticz_backup.lst
# Delete backups older than 14 days
/usr/bin/find /mnt/backupz/ -name '*.db' -mtime +14 -delete
/usr/bin/find /mnt/backupz/ -name 'domoticz_*.tar.gz' -mtime +14 -delete
I've made a list of most important files I wanna backup too.

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And of course added a crontab job:

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0 3 * * * sudo bash /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/domoticz_backup.sh
Blah blah blah
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Re: Easy backup to remote share (e.g. NAS)

Post by andrehj »

Thanks @jerry for the script. I do run into a few problems:

1. The script has to be made executable with chmod +x backup_domoticz.sh
2. The file domoticz_backup.db which is created on my NAS is 12MB, much smaller than domoticz.db (39 MB) on my Pi. I wonder if everything gets backupped?
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