Geofencing made easy / gemakkelijk gemaakt

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Geofencing made easy / gemakkelijk gemaakt

Post by LucVolders »

For those that are not aware what Geofencing is a short explanation.
Geofencing is testing wether you (or anyone else) is in the vicinity of their home.
When you are a trigger is send and you can have all kinds of actions react on that trigger.

Geofencing betekend dat er wordt getest of je (of iemend in je huishouden)
aanwezig is. Als dat het geval is dan wordt er een trigger naar Domoticz gestuurd en daarop
kun je allerlei acties loslaten zoals lampen aan, verwarming hoger etc etc.

In my case I do a ping with an ESP8266 and when it discovers your phone
it sets a switch in Domoticz on.

In mijn geval ping ik mijn telefoon en als die antwoord ben ik aanwezig.
Dat zet een schakelaar aan in Domoticz en met een eenvoudig script kan ik dan de lampen
aan doen, verwarming hoger zetten etc.

Read the story with schematics and sourcecode on my weblog.
Het hele verhaal met source code en schema's op mijn weblog: ... p8266.html

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Re: Geofencing made easy / gemakkelijk gemaakt

Post by waltervl »

Nice story, but why ping from an external esp? Why not use the server you are running Domoticz on? It can handle this job perfectly :-).
You will get something like
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: Geofencing made easy / gemakkelijk gemaakt

Post by erem »

if only it were that easy.
Apple devices do NOT respond to ping when sleeping.
if you search for presence detection on this forum you will find many different ways to do it.

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Re: Geofencing made easy / gemakkelijk gemaakt

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @erem, @waltervl and all others.

I don't think that we should discuss all options for geofencing here.

If we click on the link provided in the first post by the original poster and scroll down to the very bottom, then you might understand the posters goal.

Let's not spend much time on this issue.

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Re: Geofencing made easy / gemakkelijk gemaakt

Post by waltervl »

Let us conclude it is not the smartest and easiest way to do this (just to warn the ones that click on the link) :-)
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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