Geting data from domoticz by mysensor node

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Geting data from domoticz by mysensor node

Post by rkarolek »

Is it possible to get data from domoticz by other mysensor node?
I have few node in my network, some are mysensors, some ESP, and other.
I have node with LCD Display, so id like to show some data (for example temperature) on this display.
LCD display are mysensor node, so if other node works in mysensors network i can send data directly to LCD (and GW ofc), but what about sensors build on ESP?
Is it possible to ask GW "hey, what is data on child xx node's yy"??
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Re: Geting data from domoticz by mysensor node

Post by iguaan »

Mysensor nodes can request only V_TEXT from domoticz, check mysensors API.
Using events or scripts write data from esp node to text field and request that text from mys node.
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