Tasmota under ESP8266 with 3 channel RGB in Domoticz

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Tasmota under ESP8266 with 3 channel RGB in Domoticz

Post by marafado88 »

Hello everyone,

I have a Tasmota running in one ESP8266 connected with a 3 channel RGB, and working well:


Now I am trying to add this ESP with a RGB Led Strip to Domoticz, but till now, I am only able to turn it ON and OFF.

I have setup a Dummy Hardware for this Esp Led RGB Strip 1, and created a Virtual Sensor, with a sensor type of RGB Switch, resulting in this entrie:


Now the thing is that I cannot choose any color or even the intensity, only ON and OFF, with last color and intensity set in Tasmota.

From Tasmosta side, I have this under Domoticz Parameters:


And from MQTT:


From Tasmosta console there is nothing when I change color and intensity.

Anyone knows want its missing?

Tasmosta 8.3.1
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Re: Tasmota under ESP8266 with 3 channel RGB in Domoticz

Post by marafado88 »

From Tasmota side I have in logs:

Code: Select all

2020-07-11 00:42:42.805 User: Admin initiated a switch command (32/Esp Led RGB Strip 1/On)
2020-07-11 00:42:42.806 (Esp Led RGB Strip 1) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Esp Led RGB Strip 1)
2020-07-11 00:42:46.669 (Esp Led RGB Strip 1) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Esp Led RGB Strip 1)
2020-07-11 00:42:46.771 (Esp Led RGB Strip 1) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Esp Led RGB Strip 1)
2020-07-11 00:42:47.381 (Esp Led RGB Strip 1) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Esp Led RGB Strip 1)
2020-07-11 00:42:47.483 (Esp Led RGB Strip 1) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Esp Led RGB Strip 1)
For the first line, is the way it sents ON and OFF, and the rest is when colors and intensities are set,but there is no parameters being sent from what I see here.

Anyone knows?
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Re: Tasmota under ESP8266 with 3 channel RGB in Domoticz

Post by riccardom67 »

Hi I am new in the Forum.
Can you provide me how do you connect the strip led to ESP8266 using Tasmota ?
Do you use a Transistor Darlington ?
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