The Switches learn command in Domoticz does not recognize this siren. There is no brand or manufacturer mentioned on the box and a very brief manual. Has somebody succeeded in getting this to work?, RPi4B, RFXCOM XL, Aeotec Z-Stick, ESP Easy, Weatherstation, several switches and sensors, Ikea Trädfri, Philips Hue, Foscam, Reolink, Lyric T6, Ring
sorry for breaking-in on this old topic..... but.....
i don't think one should use outdoor sirens in your home automation project. to my opinion:
if you have neighbours, you can not expect them to get out of bed in the middle of the night to investigate a possible security issue in your property if you are not at home. Let alone the big chance that it is a false alarm, or the small chance that they overrun burglers that have been pre-warned by the siren. In the early morning they have to go to work, you can not keep them awake bacause of a real or false alarm.
if you do not have neighbours, the only purpose of the siren is that the burglers know they have limited time. This does not make much difference as any burgeler wants to get out as soon as possible.
if you are really serious about home security and have valuables to protect, install a professional security system with a direct connection with a security service provider. Don't put a domoticz system into service with an external siren.