Protocol for P1 over LAN Topic is solved

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Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by willem9136 »

Where can I find documentation about the protocol to use between the Smartmeter and the P1 over Lan.
In other words what does Domoticz expect to see from the IP and Port as configured in the P1 over LAN sensor.
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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by erem »

Domoticz expects to see the full P1 telegram.
specs here: ... 566986.pdf

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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by willem9136 »

Rob, this is not really my question.
I know what to supply to Domoticz using P1 via USB.
Also I wrote my own program in Python using MQTT and JSON to supply the data to Domoticz.
I changed the physical location of the system where Domoticz is running.
So now I want to use the P1 over LAN feature of Domoticz.
So the question is what should I build in order to supply the data over LAN.
I prefer to use an ESP12 and power it from the P1 port of the meter.
At the moment I have an ESP12 running and it supplies the data using the JSON methods.
So not using the P1 over LAN feature.
I hope you understand my question now.
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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by waaren »

willem9136 wrote: Tuesday 02 February 2021 22:43 At the moment I have an ESP12 running and it supplies the data using the JSON methods.
Probably your best chance is to look at the hardware sourcefiles and search for the P1Meter sources (.cpp and .h)

Just curious; why do you want to use another method then the JSON approach?
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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by willem9136 »

Waaren, the reason I want to use the P1 over LAN is that I think the single sensors like GAS and POWER etc do not process the High and Low tarif.
Before I used the P1 over USB and the graphs showed nicely a 2 color graph for High and Low tarif.

I looked at the website of Thingies or something like that. It scarred me by seeing this very large amount of files they use to interface the data from the meter to the P1 over LAN sensor. There fore I am very curious to find the protocol needed for this.
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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by waaren »

willem9136 wrote: Wednesday 03 February 2021 10:53 The reason I want to use the P1 over LAN is that I think the single sensors like GAS and POWER etc do not process the High and Low tarif.
If you look at the API call for Electricity P1 smart meter at Domoticz API/JSON URL's wiki page you will see that High and Low tariff are taken into account.

IDX = id of your device (This number can be found in the devices tab in the column "IDX")
USAGE1= energy usage meter tariff 1, This is an incrementing counter
USAGE2= energy usage meter tariff 2, This is an incrementing counter
RETURN1= energy return meter tariff 1, This is an incrementing counter
RETURN2= energy return meter tariff 2, This is an incrementing counter
CONS= actual usage power (Watt)
PROD= actual return power (Watt)
USAGE and RETURN are counters (they should only count up).
For USAGE and RETURN supply the data in total Wh with no decimal point.
(So if your meter displays f.i. USAGE1= 523,66 KWh you need to send 523660)
For Gas I am not aware of such a variation in tariff based on time of day
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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by FireWizard »


The protocol is exactly the same as for the P1 meter for USB.
It can be found at: ... documenten.

E.g. it can be used with ser2net: ... h-ser2net/

Read also this:

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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by erem »


instead of going the difficult route of writing your own code for the esp12, i would strongly suggest you look into espeasy.
there is a plugin P1 wifi gateway that does exactly what you want.
03-02-2021 11-21-31.jpg
03-02-2021 11-21-31.jpg (101.39 KiB) Viewed 4720 times
03-02-2021 11-21-31.jpg
03-02-2021 11-21-31.jpg (101.39 KiB) Viewed 4720 times
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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by willem9136 »

I’m still not happy with all the answers.
I will try to make my question as simple as possible.
Look at the screen dump Rob send in the previous item. You see there is an IP and a port number.
My question is: What is this port 8888 for kind of thing?
Is it an ESP or PI? What does it do with the data coming from the Meter?
What network protocol is used to send it to Domoticz?

It’s a total black box what is sitting in between Domoticz and the Meter.
I hope I’m clear now....

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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by erem »

willem9136 wrote: Wednesday 03 February 2021 15:29 I’m still not happy with all the answers.
I will try to make my question as simple as possible.
Look at the screen dump Rob send in the previous item. You see there is an IP and a port number.
My question is: What is this port 8888 for kind of thing?
Is it an ESP or PI? What does it do with the data coming from the Meter?
What network protocol is used to send it to Domoticz?

It’s a total black box what is sitting in between Domoticz and the Meter.
I hope I’m clear now....

here we go
My question is: What is this port 8888 for kind of thing? This is a esp8266 running ESPEasy
What network protocol is used to send it to Domoticz? it is based on ser2net, so it takes the serial output from the P1 port and sends it out via the network. domoticz receives that as if text was sent in directly via a P1 usb cable.

since most meters send the output inverted, a simple transistor inverter corrects that.
like this
P1 Inverter with BC547.gif
P1 Inverter with BC547.gif (9.67 KiB) Viewed 4699 times

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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by willem9136 »

We are getting close.
So, from the meter you go to the inverter. (So do I)
From the inverter you go into ser2net.
On the Domoticz side there is also a ser2net I suppose. (Call it net2ser).
From this ser2net you get serial data.
You can feed this via an FTDI directly into the P1 to USB.
So why are you configuring the P1 over LAN?
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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by erem »


from the meter to the inverter
from the inverter to the esp8266 running espeasy, that published the telegram on the chosen port
domoticz receives from the esp8266 ip/port and processes the data

no ftdi, no usb

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Re: Protocol for P1 over LAN

Post by willem9136 »

Ok! Clear! Now I can work on this.
Thanks Rob.
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