OTGW Firmware 5.0 PS=1 output changed

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OTGW Firmware 5.0 PS=1 output changed

Post by TheSpanishInq »

I haven't got my OTGW up and running yet, just wanted to give you a heads up. The latest firmware for the OTWG, 5.0 dd 18 Jan 2021, has changed the output of the PS=1 command.
Version 5.0, released 18 January 2021
Potential incompatibility: The PS=1 output has changed. If using this function, the program processing the information will have to be adapted accordingly.

- Add support for a 2nd central heating circuit using the new C2, and H2 commands.
- New TS command to select if a connected temperature sensor is used for the outside temperature (O), or the return water temperature (R). The current setting can be verified with the PR=D command.
- Support additional commands, like SH, SW and VS, in standalone mode.
- Report additional values in a PS=1 report: 7 (Cooling control), 8 (Control setpoint 2), 19 (DHW flow rate), 23 (CH2 room setpoint), 31 (CH2 flow temperature), 33 (Boiler exhaust temperature), 70 (V/H master status), 71 (V/H control setpoint), 77 (Relative ventilation).
- Use a WriteData request when sending the following IDs as alternative messages: 1 (TSet), 8 (TSetCH2), 14 (MaxRelMod), and 71 (VSet).
- Repeat alternative messages that didn't receive a valid response.
I'm not a C++ developer but if I take a look at hardware/OTGWBase.cpp

Code: Select all

void OTGWBase::ParseLine()
	if (m_bufferpos<2)
	std::string sLine((char*)&m_buffer);

	std::vector<std::string> results;
	if (results.size()==25)
		...list of items processed
it seems to me the PS=1 output will be ignored if more than 25 arguments are received. Which is probably the case with FW 5.0 as it returns 9 additional values.

Does anyone have any experience with Domoticz and this firmware?
And could someone confirm or disprove my assumtion?
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Re: OTGW Firmware 5.0 PS=1 output changed

Post by jake »

I have not installed the 5.0 software. I think it is better to wait until domoticz is adapted to this change.
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Re: OTGW Firmware 5.0 PS=1 output changed

Post by xvisor »

I second an update on the OTGW code. I wanted to upgrade my OTGW, luckily I read the note on there site and checked here first to find out it's not supported yet.
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Re: OTGW Firmware 5.0 PS=1 output changed

Post by TheSpanishInq »

Just got my brand new Nobo-OTGW up and running, guest what, FW 5.0... Domotics did add four devices and that's it :(
Devices added:

The output of PS=1 is logged by Domoticz and has 34 values:
2021-01-30 17:53:04.531 Status: OTGW: 00000010/00000000,10.00,00000001/00000001,0.00,0.00,0.00,0/0,19.00,0.00,2.00,0.00,0.00,18.88,34.00,0.40,0.00,33.00,0.00,0,90/10,80/20,0.00,0.00,00000000/00000000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

I'll try and figure out howto put in a feature request for support for FW 5.0. Will keep you posted.
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Re: OTGW Firmware 5.0 PS=1 output changed

Post by kiddigital »

See this feature request topic for more info.
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