I have a freshly compiled Domoticz running in a VM. Test has been carried you with the newly cooked function domoticz.executeShellCommand(). Now we know why is does not work: Key verification failed
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local cmd = 'ssh [email protected] "sh ~/backupInfluxA.sh"'
command = cmd,
callback = 'shell',
timeout = 5, })
{["dump"]=function, ["isHTTPResponse"]=false, ["timeoutOccurred"]=false, ["data"]="", ["callback"]="shell", ["isHardware"]=false, ["isGroup"]=false, ["isCustomEvent"]=false, ["baseType"]="shellcommandResponse", ["isSystem"]=false, ["isDevice"]=false, ["errorText"]="Host key verification failed. ", ["hasLines"]=false, ["isVariable"]=false, ["statusCode"]=0, ["isScene"]=false, ["isTimer"]=false, ["isXML"]=false, ["ok"]=true, ["isShellCommandResponse"]=true, ["shellCommandResponse"]="shell", ["isJSON"]=false, ["isSecurity"]=false, ["trigger"]="shell"}
As a matter of fact the private/public key is set-up for pi account. What could cause the error then? Bash script owner is pi. An it still works when using ssh in console mode
Debian buster on NUC and three RPi with buster.