Cameras don't stop streaming

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Cameras don't stop streaming

Post by fargle »

Hello. Found one minor problem with the Camera block that doesn't affect dashboard operation, but isn't quite right either. When a camera is selected from the dashboard, it starts streaming . But when minimized back to the dashboard, the stream isn't closed. With Firefox, the video stream only stops when the Dashticz tab itself is closed, or refreshed. Also tried in browser safe mode, does the same.
TaskMgr.jpg (223.18 KiB) Viewed 1874 times
FWIW, here's the block config:
//Camera Block

blocks["cameras"] = {
type: "camera",
cameras: [
title: "Camera1",
imageUrl: "http://192.168.nnn.nnn/axis-cgi/jpg/ima ... on=320x240",
videoUrl: "http://192.168.nnn.nnn/axis-cgi/mjpg/vi ... e=Balanced",

title: "Camera2",
imageUrl: "http://192.168.nnn.nnn/axis-cgi/jpg/ima ... on=320x240",
videoUrl: "http://192.168.nnn.nnn/axis-cgi/mjpg/vi ... =Bandwidth",
width: 6,
height: 200,
refresh: 1.0, // seconds to refresh the image [***BREAKING CHANGE***]
traytimeout: 3, // seconds to keep the camera tray open
slidedelay: 0, // seconds before sliding to the next camera
forcerefresh: 1, // caching-prevention mechanism of the images
Posts: 67
Joined: Tuesday 27 March 2018 17:42
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Cameras don't stop streaming

Post by fargle »

Saw the same behaviour with a Chromium browser on a PI4B. High CPU usage until Dashticz client reloaded.
Version v3.7.1 beta.
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