RFLink: List of supported devices

433Mhz opensource Receiver & Transmitter.

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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by Heldestad »

tontze wrote:
Heldestad wrote:
tontze wrote:Prologue 36-4744 (Clas Ohlsson) works out of the box.
I have one of those but it does not work so well for me. I have home assistant on my RPi2 with a tellstick duo.

Is there any connection procedure I'm supposed to do?
Im using rflink, dont know anything about tellstick :)
Of course, though this was a generic home automation forum. Perhaps I should post on a more tellstick oriented forum :)
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by Saughassy »

Hey guys!

RFLink via Domoticz can use http://www.smart-home.hu/index.php?lang=en these stuffs. I'm using a blind with wind and sun sensor + additional remotes with no flaws.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by mivo »


I get new RFLink 433 gateway from Nodo-shop. It is my pleasure to report it is working out of the box with my home Temp-Humidity sensors, reported as Cresta:

RFLink: 20;02;Cresta;ID=5802;TEMP=00e2;HUM=39;BAT=OK;

It is marketed in Czech Republic as Garni 652EL (meteo station) and Garni TS33F (sensors).

Thank you RFLink developers for great work !
Garni 652EL and TS33F.jpg
Garni 652EL and TS33F.jpg (39.64 KiB) Viewed 10640 times
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by kijdhfcjdks »

Hi, these 433 MHz temp/humidity sensors work. 3 channels per type so you could have 6 in total:
http://www.biltema.se/sv/Kontor---Tekni ... 000036036/
Extra sensor: 84-0863, 84-0864
As well as:
Extra sensor: 84-0865
tempsensor.PNG (25.51 KiB) Viewed 10605 times
These switches work:
Luxorparts (1000W):
https://www.kjell.com/se/sortiment/el-v ... ack-p50969

Telldus (3680W):
https://www.kjell.com/se/sortiment/el-v ... ack-p50813

Edit 2: The "Biltema" sensors works fine, got another one and switched the channels around followed by reset until i showed up in the log.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by kijdhfcjdks »

This 433 4-channel relay works fine:
photo_2017-09-10_16-09-44.jpg (139.01 KiB) Viewed 10301 times
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/RF22A04 ... sstype=600

From the log:

Code: Select all

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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by Tosha74 »

Hi! I'm glad to tell, that cheap (~ $15 on Aliexpress) VHome switch with RF remote work fine.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by pacitzu »

Tosha74 wrote: Monday 27 November 2017 17:18 Hi! I'm glad to tell, that cheap (~ $15 on Aliexpress) VHome switch with RF remote work fine.
Can you tell me about the battery life of this Vhome switch?
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by Tosha74 »

pacitzu wrote: Thursday 07 December 2017 14:26Can you tell me about the battery life of this Vhome switch?
I bought this switch only a few weeks ago.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by marcojpolet »

Hi all,

Received my rainmeter /temp / remote display today and I can confirm it working out of the box with latest RFLink version. For 20 euro's delivered :-)

https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Wireles ... 07674.html

Model: WH0531

Detected in Devices as TFA (rain) and LaCrosseTX3 (temp). Not 100% sure but I believe AlectoV5 from RFLink in Domoticz Log.

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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by marcojpolet »

Hi all,

My previous post (one above this one) was about a rainmeter. It still works fine, but I noticed that every time the batteries are removed/replaced, the device gets picked up by RFLink under another device-id/unit. The standalone receiver still sees the rainmeter, but in Domoticz I have to change my devices to match the new id/unit. Any ideas how this can be automated/skipped?

Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by SweetPants »

marcojpolet wrote: Saturday 23 June 2018 7:48 My previous post (one above this one) was about a rainmeter. It still works fine, but I noticed that every time the batteries are removed/replaced, the device gets picked up by RFLink under another device-id/unit. The standalone receiver still sees the rainmeter, but in Domoticz I have to change my devices to match the new id/unit. Any ideas how this can be automated/skipped?
This is normal behaviour and initiated by the device itself. There is nothing domoticz can do about that. You can always try to edit->replace the device with the new one to preserve your data.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by mpx2 »

kijdhfcjdks wrote: Sunday 02 July 2017 20:20 Hi, these 433 MHz temp/humidity sensors work. 3 channels per type so you could have 6 in total:
http://www.biltema.se/sv/Kontor---Tekni ... 000036036/
Extra sensor: 84-0863, 84-0864
As well as:
Extra sensor: 84-0865


These switches work:
Luxorparts (1000W):
https://www.kjell.com/se/sortiment/el-v ... ack-p50969

Telldus (3680W):
https://www.kjell.com/se/sortiment/el-v ... ack-p50813

Edit 2: The "Biltema" sensors works fine, got another one and switched the channels around followed by reset until i showed up in the log.
Looks similar to Renkforce KL4931. https://www.conrad.com/ce/en/product/12 ... o-24-hours.
Looks similar to Techno Line TX 6000 sensor which is used with weather stations WS6600, WS6620, WS6650, WS6740 and WS6850 https://www.technoline.eu/. WS6740 is identical to Biltema Art. 84-0865 weather station.

I cannot find any working Biltema sensor besides the old 84-0871.
RFLink firmware R48.

Biltema sensor Art. 84-0871, fits weather station Art. 84-0865
Older batch works OK! Recognized as Prologue. Clas Ohlson Prologue 36-4744 is not available anymore.
Newer batch doesn't work! RFLink does not recognize. If I press tx button many times sometimes RFLink shows Alecto V4 but temperature and humidity are wrong.
Spoiler: show

Biltema sensor Art. 84-0820, fits weather station Art. 84-0866
Doesn't work! RFLink does not recognize.
Spoiler: show

Biltema sensor Art. 84-0870, fits weather station Art. 84-0863 and 84-0864
Doesn't work! RFLink does not recognize.
Spoiler: show

Debug logs are catured when pressing tx button. Temperature should be around 23 C and humidity 30 %.

More info
I tried to decode the pulses with help of this https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blo ... prologue.c . There's nothing different in the first lines between different sensors. Looks like some ID values are not detected.

/* Prologue sensor protocol
* also FreeTec NC-7104 sensor for FreeTec Weatherstation NC-7102.
* the sensor sends 36 bits 7 times, before the first packet there is a sync pulse
* the packets are ppm modulated (distance coding) with a pulse of ~500 us
* followed by a short gap of ~2000 us for a 0 bit or a long ~4000 us gap for a
* 1 bit, the sync gap is ~9000 us.
* the data is grouped in 9 nibbles
* [model] [id0] [id1] [flags] [temp0] [temp1] [temp2] [humi0] [humi1]
* model is 1001 (9) or 0110 (5)
* id is a random id that is generated when the sensor starts, could include battery status
* the same batteries often generate the same id
* flags(3) is 0 the battery status, 1 ok, 0 low, first reading always say low
* flags(2) is 1 when the sensor sends a reading when pressing the button on the sensor
* flags(1,0)+1 forms the channel number that can be set by the sensor (1-3)
* temp is 12 bit signed scaled by 10
* humi0 is always 1100 (0x0C) if no humidity sensor is available
* humi1 is always 1100 (0x0C) if no humidity sensor is available
* The sensor can be bought at Clas Ohlson

More info 2
Looks like the 5th bit has to be 0. This means that the sencod hex number of the ID from the left has to be lower than 8. For example ID 9521 is OK because that number 5 is lower than 8.

I have been trying to get that 5th bit to 0 by pressing reset button but it takes some time.

More info 3
The lowest humidity value for those Biltema sensors are 20 %. When humidity goes below this sensors are sending 0 % and weather stations shows humidity level 20 %. RFLink ignores all transmissions with zero humidity and you don't get any values to Domoticz.


More info 4
Update interval is 50 seconds.
Last edited by mpx2 on Sunday 05 May 2019 19:20, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by luk99 »

hello, will rflink work with such weather station:
http://www.misolie.net/misol-profession ... p-499.html ?
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by DewGew »

I got my Biltema sensor 84-0820 working with rf-link..👍
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by mpx2 »

DewGew wrote: Monday 18 March 2019 16:51 I got my Biltema sensor 84-0820 working with rf-link..👍
I have several 84-0820 and none of them are working OK with RFLink. RFLink recognizes only some ID values so you need to cycle by pressing reset to find ID which is ok for RFLink.

Low humidity levels are not working. When humidity levels are too low sensors set humidity to 0% and RFLink rejects all transmissions with zero humidity.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by mpx2 »

I bought Telldus 313160 (FT007TH) for testing. https://telldus.com/produkt/thermo-hygro-sensor-433mhz/ RFLink did recognize it. Looks like it's working but I cannot be 100 % sure.


Looks indentical to SNDWAY GJ1096-00B.

Telldus has 8 channels which can be chosen by 3 dip switches. Fourth switch is for celsius and fahrenheit. There's no reset or tx buttons.

The sensor is also equipped with a display so that you can also read the measured values directly.

Measurement range: Temperature -40°C – +50°C, Humidity 20% – 95%
Accuracy: Temperature +/-2°C, Hunidity +/-5% RH
Eight channels (selectable by DIP switch)
Frequency 433.92 MHz
Range 20 meters
Powered by 2×1.5V AAA batteries (not included)

Sensor Size:
Height: 108 mm
Width: 44 mm
Depth: 20 mm

Device ID is hardcoded for each channel. You can change the battery without any problems.

CH1: 0087 0 FineOffset WTGR800
CH2: 0097 0 GlobalTronics WTGR800
CH3: 00A7 0 FineOffset WTGR800
CH4: 00B7 0 FineOffset WTGR800
CH8: 00F7 0 FineOffset WTGR800

telldus-01.jpg (144.47 KiB) Viewed 6435 times
telldus-02.jpg (124.16 KiB) Viewed 6435 times
telldus-03.jpg (166.19 KiB) Viewed 6435 times

More info
Works with RTL433 https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/ . Recognized as
Fine Offset Electronics, WH2 Temperature/Humidity sensor

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
time : 2024-12-08 12:45:03
model : Fineoffset-WH2 ID : 199
Temperature: 21.0 C Humidity : 27 % Integrity : CRC
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
time : 2024-12-08 12:45:15
model : Fineoffset-WH2 ID : 167
Temperature: -1.5 C Humidity : 84 % Integrity : CRC
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
time : 2024-12-08 12:45:18
model : Fineoffset-WH2 ID : 151
Temperature: -1.1 C Humidity : 81 % Integrity : CRC
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
time : 2024-12-08 12:45:20
model : Fineoffset-WH2 ID : 215
Temperature: 22.1 C Humidity : 20 % Integrity : CRC
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Last edited by mpx2 on Sunday 08 December 2024 11:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by Tosha74 »

Hello! I bought Protmex PT19A sensor (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3299842 ... 4c4dAgDm7N), works great, quite inexpensive.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by Fgerrits »

Hi, im using the following UV sensor, Oregon Scientific UVR 128 UV Sensor Basic (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Oregon-Scienti ... 822&sr=8-1)

I see it in Domoticz and when rflink connected to my pc, but it's sending no data to domoticz
Oregon-UVR128.png (34.1 KiB) Viewed 4078 times
Rflink : 020;18;Oregon UVN1x8;ID=EA10;UV=0000;BAT=OK;

Thanks for your help, RFlink is great hardware.
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Re: RFLink: List of supported devices

Post by Cyroq »

I just bought the RFLink but I'm a bit confused on how to interpret the supported devices list, the use of the term 'among others' and how to add devices. On that list there is "Byron BY (among others BY532E)". I have Byron BY206FE doorbell which isn't working using the 'Learn light/switch' method, but when manually adding a device the BY-series isn't listed in Domoticz either.
I have no problem buying another doorbell, but I'm confused how to interpret the supported devices list. For example, the "Elro (DB270 and others)" is listed, but "Elro" isn't even listed in Domoticz as a Type of Doorbell.
Can somebody clearify this? Thanks!

EDIT: although I still don't understand what the difference is between the list of supported devices and the type list in Domoticz, my problem it solved. My doorbell was too far away from my RFLink :lol:
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