Energenie MiHome TRVs

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Energenie MiHome TRVs

Post by jefft »

Hi folks,

Has anyone got Energenie MiHome TRVs working with RFXCom? I assume they're a 2-way 433MHz link rather than the old Energenie 1-way communication.

I don't see them mentioned in the RFXCom user manual explicitly, but that doesn't mean they don't work... I would ask rfxcom support, but getting answers out of them seems impossible recently.
Domoticz, Z-Stick Gen.5, zzh Zigbee, rxftrx433XL on Ubuntu 22.04, HP 290 G1.
Node Red, MQTT, 80+ Z-wave, ESP8266 & Shelly, handful of Zigbee bulbs. EMS-ESP gateway for Bosch boiler. Controlicz, until it dies :-(
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