Bubendorff integration in Domoticz

Moderator: leecollings

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Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Bubendorff integration in Domoticz

Post by FlyingDomotic »


For my first request on this forum, I'd like requesting some help on solving a problem better I did until now.

Here's the problem:

On one side, I've got Bubendorff shutters with iDiamant gateway. This gateway is connected to HomeKit, and shutters are working correctly from Home (and Eve) application.

On the other, I've got Domoticz with HomeBridge.

My wish: open/close my 9 shutters from Domoticz, having a feedback on shutter position.

My best try: create one switch open/close in Domoticz, to send orders to shutter, create another one to get current shutter status, create 4 automation scenarios per shutter:
  • open shutter when Domoticz open/close switch is set to open,
  • close shutter when Domoticz open/close switch is set to close
  • set Domoticz status to open when shutter is opened
  • set Domoticz status to close when shutter is closed
This is not very elegant, and need creation of 18 switches on Domoticz, and 36 automation scenarios.

Ideally, having a direct access to Bubendorff gateway would be a must, but I didn't found anything for either Domoticz nor HomeBridge.

Did someone have a better idea than mine?

Thank's in advance for any help/advice!
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