following another post I did to control the speed of a fan using PWM, I now have the solution using Mysensors.
My problem now is that I can't get the switch more than 99% in domoticz...
The only way to get 100% is to turn it off and turn it back on. As long as you touch the slider of the dimmer, no more 100%...
The log says "Set Level: 99 %" even if I push it to 100%.
Here is the code I use:
Code: Select all
// Enable debug prints to serial monitor
#define MY_DEBUG
// Enable and select radio type attached
//#define MY_RADIO_RF24
//#define MY_RADIO_NRF5_ESB
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM95
// Set LOW transmit power level as default, if you have an amplified NRF-module and
// power your radio separately with a good regulator you can turn up PA level.
//#define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_LOW
// Enable serial gateway
// Define a lower baud rate for Arduinos running on 8 MHz (Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V & SenseBender)
#if F_CPU == 8000000L
#define MY_BAUD_RATE 38400
// Enable inclusion mode
// Enable Inclusion mode button on gateway
// Inverses behavior of inclusion button (if using external pullup)
// Set inclusion mode duration (in seconds)
// Digital pin used for inclusion mode button
// Set blinking period
// Inverses the behavior of leds
// Flash leds on rx/tx/err
// Uncomment to override default HW configurations
//#define MY_DEFAULT_ERR_LED_PIN 4 // Error led pin
//#define MY_DEFAULT_RX_LED_PIN 6 // Receive led pin
//#define MY_DEFAULT_TX_LED_PIN 5 // the PCB, on board LED
#include <MySensors.h>
#include <TimerOne.h>
#define SN "Fan_PWM"
#define SV "1.0"
#define LED_PIN 9 // Arduino pin attached to MOSFET Gate pin
#define FADE_DELAY 10 // Delay in ms for each percentage fade up/down (10ms = 1s full-range dim)
static int16_t currentLevel = 0; // Current dim level...
MyMessage dimmerMsg(0, V_DIMMER);
MyMessage lightMsg(0, V_LIGHT);
void setup()
// Setup locally attached sensors
request( 0, V_DIMMER );
#define PWM_FREQ_HZ (25000)
#define PWM_CYCLE_US (1000000/PWM_FREQ_HZ)
Timer1.pwm(LED_PIN, 1023);
void presentation()
// Present locally attached sensors
present( 0, S_DIMMER );
sendSketchInfo(SN, SV);
void loop()
// Send locally attached sensor data here
void receive(const MyMessage &message)
if (message.getType() == V_LIGHT || message.getType() == V_DIMMER) {
// Retrieve the power or dim level from the incoming request message
int requestedLevel = atoi( );
// Adjust incoming level if this is a V_LIGHT variable update [0 == off, 1 == on]
requestedLevel *= ( message.getType() == V_LIGHT ? 100 : 1 );
// Clip incoming level to valid range of 0 to 100
requestedLevel = requestedLevel > 100 ? 100 : requestedLevel;
requestedLevel = requestedLevel < 0 ? 0 : requestedLevel;
Serial.print( "Changing level to " );
Serial.print( requestedLevel );
Serial.print( ", from " );
Serial.println( currentLevel );
fadeToLevel( requestedLevel );
// Inform the gateway of the current DimmableLED's SwitchPower1 and LoadLevelStatus value...
send(lightMsg.set(currentLevel > 0));
// hek comment: Is this really nessesary?
send( dimmerMsg.set(currentLevel) );
* This method provides a graceful fade up/down effect
void fadeToLevel( int toLevel )
int delta = ( toLevel - currentLevel ) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
while ( currentLevel != toLevel ) {
currentLevel += delta;
analogWrite( LED_PIN, (int)(currentLevel / 100. * 255) );
delay( FADE_DELAY );