Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee) Topic is solved

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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Take only firmwares proposed in phoscon. The firmware ______Many2one.bin.gcf is a beta fiwmare, in test.

But yes the deCONZ_RaspBeeII_0x26610700.bin.GCF is the last one, and it's the one you have.
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Thorgal789 »

salopette wrote: Tuesday 21 July 2020 15:08
I have made somes modifications on code to better ignore the conbee ... /

I think thy will solve your problem.
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by salopette »

Thank you! I continue to watch for errors:
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Plantje »

Have another stupid question... While moving to the new server: do I need to create a new API key? Or will stuff be migrated from old to new with the export and import of the Phoscon/deCONZ and Domoticz configurations?
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Thorgal789 »

If you use the backup/restaure feature from phoscon and use the same device, you will have a perfect clone, so nothing will change, in phoscon or domoticz.

For information, network config is stored on the device, devices configurations are on the host.

The backup, put all those information in one tar file.
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Plantje »

It is all working great! Thanks for your support!
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by superelch »

i have a problem with the opple 6x switch.
single click works fine, but doubleclick and longclick ist mixed up.
for example: switch 1 double get me the same result as switch 3 single.
the switch appears with B1-B8.
i get more by adding more (B9-Bx) but sw1 double is still the same as sw3 single.
any idea?
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Ok so yes there is a problem ^^
You need to have a switch with

Code: Select all

kwarg['Options'] = {"LevelActions": "|||||||||||||||||", "LevelNames": "Off|B1|B2|B3|B4|B5|B6|B1L|B2L|B3L|B4L|B5L|B6L|B1RL|B2RL|B3RL|B4RL|B5RL|B6RL|B1D|B2D|B3D|B4D|B5D|B6D|B1T|B2T|B3T|B4T|B5T|B6T", "LevelOffHidden": "true", "SelectorStyle": "1"}
To reconize the switch I m using the model id, it need to finish by "86opcn01", you can see it with enabling log for exemple (debug info only)

And BTW wich one plugin version are you using ?
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by superelch »

wow, that´s fast....

i use deCONZ plugin
Domoticz is latest beta

phoscon recognizes the switch as:
Hersteller Xiaomi
Produkt OPPLE Schalter 3-fachWXCJKG13LM
Version 20190730

Domoticz error log shows me

2020-08-30 17:37:14.292 Error: (Zigbee) Unknow MAJ{'attr': {'lastannounced': None, 'lastseen': '2020-08-30T15:37Z', 'manufacturername': 'dresden elektronik', 'modelid': 'ConBee II', 'name': 'Configuration tool 1', 'swversion': '0x264a0700', 'type': 'Configuration tool', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:05:a3:70-01'}, 'e': 'changed', 'id': '1', 'r': 'lights', 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:05:a3:70-01'}
2020-08-30 17:38:14.290 Error: (Zigbee) Unknow MAJ{'attr': {'lastannounced': None, 'lastseen': '2020-08-30T15:38Z', 'manufacturername': 'dresden elektronik', 'modelid': 'ConBee II', 'name': 'Configuration tool 1', 'swversion': '0x264a0700', 'type': 'Configuration tool', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:05:a3:70-01'}, 'e': 'changed', 'id': '1', 'r': 'lights', 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:05:a3:70-01'}
2020-08-30 17:38:56.880 Error: CheckAuthToken(3f72a06468482f8447adb15ba8497970_MTFmYTBmODEtMWJhOS00NjljLTkwZTEtOWMyYTgzYjU3ODkz) : session id not found
2020-08-30 17:39:16.694 Error: (Zigbee) Unknow MAJ{'attr': {'lastannounced': None, 'lastseen': '2020-08-30T15:39Z', 'manufacturername': 'dresden elektronik', 'modelid': 'ConBee II', 'name': 'Configuration tool 1', 'swversion': '0x264a0700', 'type': 'Configuration tool', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:05:a3:70-01'}, 'e': 'changed', 'id': '1', 'r': 'lights', 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:05:a3:70-01'}
2020-08-30 17:40:17.941 Error: (Zigbee) Unknow MAJ{'attr': {'lastannounced': None, 'lastseen': '2020-08-30T15:40Z', 'manufacturername': 'dresden elektronik', 'modelid': 'ConBee II', 'name': 'Configuration tool 1', 'swversion': '0x264a0700', 'type': 'Configuration tool', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:05:a3:70-01'}, 'e': 'changed', 'id': '1', 'r': 'lights', 't': 'event', 'uniqueid': '00:21:2e:ff:ff:05:a3:70-01'}
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Thorgal789 » is your local IP ^^.
But nevermind, looking your error, you haven't the last version for sure.

- Try update your version, just need to type "git pull".
- delete the bad widget for the opple
- restart the plugin, hardware/deconz/update

The widget will be re-created with a better one.

If you still have the problem, enable log to find the opple device model ID.
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by superelch »

Thorgal789 wrote: Sunday 30 August 2020 17:58 is your local IP ^^.
facepalm * copy and paste without brain ;-)
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Thorgal789 »

superelch wrote: Sunday 30 August 2020 18:26 facepalm * copy and paste without brain ;-)
^^, and BTW your problem is solved now ?
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by superelch »

I had a problem with updating via command line, but replacing the files does the magic.
my problem was that I thought that
keeping deconz-rest-plugin up-to-date would help. now I see more clearly.
THANKS, problem solved !!!
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Hello, someone is making a "custom page" usable in domoticz to improves deconz features usable direclty in domoticz. Problem it works only on last domoticz version.

Just by curiosity, are you using older or last domoticz version (after 2020, versions that are working only on buster) ?
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by salopette »

Cool! I think there are hardly any people who use the older version!
When can I test the new site?
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Plantje »

I'm on the latest version as well
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Thorgal789 »

salopette wrote: Thursday 03 September 2020 19:07 Cool! I think there are hardly any people who use the older version!
I m using it ^^. I don't like the SQL management on new version, and don't need buster (I know it s stupid :oops: )

The code is not from me, and it s not finished (we can do so much thing with this system), but you can take a look ... _interface.

To test it you can keep your deconz version and just copy the files from the "frontend" folder and copy them to domoticz/www/templates
The files can be copied directly in to domoticz/www/templates and then a new page will appear under the "Custom" top navigation to test them out.
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by atagesson »

Hey, there is a lot of how-tos on how to install and maintain, but there is not much on how to uninstall and completeley remove the plugin?
I wont be needing it anymore, so how do I uninstall it? I am running headless on raspberry pi (buster)

Thanks 4 help
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Hello, this plugin have nothing special, so it 's the same procedure than for all plugins.
- In domoticz go in hardware and delete the "hardware" deconz.
- In plugins folder, delete the plugin folder.
- The hardware will be visible till you restart domoticz, but it is already uninstalled.

If you are talking about deconz, depend of how you have installed it, if you have used package

Code: Select all

sudo apt remove deconz
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Re: Python Zigbee plugin, deCONZ bridge (Using Conbee or Raspbee)

Post by salopette »

2020-10-02 18:05:00.028 (deconz) ### Groupe > 65520 Name:All
2020-10-02 18:05:00.032 Status: (deconz) ### Create Device GROUP_All > All (LightGroup) as Unit 149
2020-10-02 18:05:00.001 Error: (deconz) Websocket error, unknow device > 65520 (groups)

Hi, I keep getting this error.
Can you suppress that?
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