xComfort led's controlling by Domoticz, how?

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xComfort led's controlling by Domoticz, how?

Post by rgroothuis »

Hello, I've 2 led strips build into a kitchen setup. These led strips are controlled by a xComfort "actor" (technical info: https://datasheet.eaton.com/datasheet.p ... cale=en_GB). I want to be able to control this from Domoticz, the question is how??

I was not able to find a device that integrates with Domoticz and supports this xComfort protocol. So looking into alternative solutions.

One way is to use a Fibaro Smart Implant to control the buttons on the xComfort remote control. But then I need 2 Smart Implants as the xComfort has 4 buttons, 2 time On/Off. Which results in 4 buttons in Domoticz, this is not really handy and user friendly. Also to dim the led's you need to keep pushing the button on the remote control, how to simulate that using the Fibaro Smart Implant.

Any suggestion on how to integrate the xComfort lef controller into Domoticz?

I'm also investigating if I can replace the xComfort controller with something else which is not my preferred option at the moment. And also I don't know what to use as replacement.
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