Storing and retrieving custom data

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Storing and retrieving custom data

Post by aray »

I have a script that fetches json data from an external service and I want to push it to my domoticz, in order to get this data over wifi on my device using domoticz API.

So I'm wondering if there is a way to store arbitrary data as text on the server?
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Re: Storing and retrieving custom data

Post by FireWizard »


How does the data look like?
Can you provide a little bit more of information?

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Re: Storing and retrieving custom data

Post by aray »

I would like to be able to store any arbitrary text data. In my case, I need to save a custom json containing events from multiple google calendars. For his purpose. I currently started an additional Flask server on my raspberry, but it would be better if I had only domoticz.

Another option is to redirect domoticz API to my python script and return this json directly without storing
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Re: Storing and retrieving custom data

Post by FireWizard »



Have you already considered to use Node Red, see:

You can push this to Domoticz, with either http or mqtt.

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