set selector switch with JSON in version 2020.2?

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set selector switch with JSON in version 2020.2?

Post by renerene »

This used to work in HABridge

Code: Select all
But after update to latest beta Version: 2020.2 (build 12138) HABridge reports error in log:

Code: Select all

2020-06-10 07:24:00,307 [qtp16705701-16] WARN  com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.domoticz.DomoticzHome - Cannot interrpret result from call for Domoticz domoticz as response is not parsable.
2020-06-10 07:24:00,309 [qtp16705701-16] WARN  com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator - On/Off Request failed with: [{"error":{"type":"6","address":"/lights/110","description":"Error on calling url to change device state","method_name":"/lights/110/state"}}]
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Re: set selector switch with JSON in version 2020.2?

Post by waaren »

renerene wrote: Wednesday 10 June 2020 7:26 This used to work in HABridge

Code: Select all
If you replace //json.htm with /json.htm it should work .(Just tested with latest beta)
If stil not OK then try to enter the URL in your browser. Maybe it will show what's going on.
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Re: set selector switch with JSON in version 2020.2?

Post by renerene »

Thank you Waaren. Just did a quick test in address bar of browser and this time domoticz returns with asking login credentials (previous error 404). Will make it work this evening, when I have more time. Strange why the two "//" were there....

Seems like option in Domoticz settings to exclude local network devices from login is not working in this latest beta version. In Dashticz I also had to fill in login name and password, which was not needed before.
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Re: set selector switch with JSON in version 2020.2?

Post by waaren »

renerene wrote: Wednesday 10 June 2020 14:56 Seems like option in Domoticz settings to exclude local network devices from login is not working in this latest beta version. In Dashticz I also had to fill in login name and password, which was not needed before.
What do have in the local network (no username/password) field?.
For some forum members it was needed to add ;::1

settings.png (32.57 KiB) Viewed 2196 times
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Re: set selector switch with JSON in version 2020.2?

Post by HansieNL »

Sorry to break in, but what does the ::1 exactly do?
Blah blah blah
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Re: set selector switch with JSON in version 2020.2?

Post by waaren »

HansieNL wrote: Wednesday 10 June 2020 18:31 Sorry to break in, but what does the ::1 exactly do?
Short answer: In this context it is the IPv6 equivalent of localhost ( in IPv4)
wiki ( Long explanation )
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