BUG: dzvents: customEvent.dump() not available  [SOLVED]

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BUG: dzvents: customEvent.dump() not available

Post by rrozema »

https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/DzVents:_ ... leshooting describes the use of item.dump() to debug a script. However, below code results in error message
2020-06-01 20:59:17.847 Error: dzVents: Error: (3.0.5) ...domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Script #3.lua:19: attempt to call a nil value (field 'dump')
", apparently the type of object passed in for the 2nd variable -which I believe to be "customEvent"-, does not seem to expose this function dump(). Either the documentation is wrong, or the customEvent type is missing the dump() function.

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return {
	on = {
		devices = {
		customEvents = {
    execute = function(domoticz, object, triggerInfo)
        if object.isDevice then
            domoticz.log('Device ' .. object.name .. ': state ' ..tostring(object.bState).. '.', domoticz.LOG_FORCE)
            if object.bState == true then
                domoticz.emitEvent('myTestEvent', { idx = object.idx, bState = object.bState, lastUpdate = object.lastUpdate } ).afterSec(15)
--                domoticz.emitEvent( "myTestEvent" ).afterSec(30)
        elseif object.isCustomEvent then
            domoticz.log('CustomEvent, ' .. type(object.data) .. ', idx = '.. tostring(object.data.idx) .. ', bState = ' ..tostring( object.data.bState) .. '.', domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
            if object.data == nil then
                domoticz.log('CustomEvent, data is nil.', domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
                local dev = domoticz.devices(object.data.idx)
                if dev == nil then
                    domoticz.log('CustomEvent, device ' .. tostring(domoticz.data.idx) .. ' not found.', domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
                    if dev.bState == object.data.bState and dev.lastUpdate == object.data.lastUpdate then
                        domoticz.log('CustomEvent, device ' .. dev.name .. ' is still on.', domoticz.LOG_FORCE)
                        domoticz.log('CustomEvent, device ' .. dev.name .. ' is off.', domoticz.LOG_FORCE)
            domoticz.log( "unexpected trigger type.", domoticz.LOG_FORCE)

Version: 2020.2 (build 12067)
Build Hash: 0fc3c7b70
Compile Date: 2020-05-17 13:15:45
dzVents Version: 3.0.5
Python Version: 3.7.3 (default, Dec 20 2019, 18:57:59) [GCC 8.3.0]
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Re: BUG: dzvents: customEvent.dump() not available

Post by waaren »

rrozema wrote: Monday 01 June 2020 21:06 https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/DzVents:_ ... leshooting describes the use of item.dump() to debug a script. However, below code results in error message
Sorry but I cannot located item.dump() anywhere in the wiki. Do I overlook something ?
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Re: BUG: dzvents: customEvent.dump() not available

Post by rrozema »

waaren wrote: Monday 01 June 2020 22:59
rrozema wrote: Monday 01 June 2020 21:06 https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/DzVents:_ ... leshooting describes the use of item.dump() to debug a script. However, below code results in error message
Sorry but I cannot located item.dump() anywhere in the wiki. Do I overlook something ?

Code: Select all

Device attributes and methods for specific devices
Note that if you do not find your specific device type here you can always inspect what is in the rawData attribute. Please let us know that it is missing so we can write an adapter for it (or you can write your own and submit it). Calling myDevice.dump() will dump all attributes and values for myDevice to the Domoticz log.

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execute = function(domoticz, item, triggerInfo) … end
When all the above conditions are met (active == true and the on section has at least one matching rule), then this execute function is called. This is the heart of your script. The function has three parameters:

1. (domoticz, item, triggerInfo)
The domoticz object. This object gives you access to almost everything in your Domoticz system, including all methods to manipulate them—like modifying switches or sending notifications. More about the domoticz object below.

2. (domoticz, item, triggerInfo)
Depending on what actually triggered the script, item is either a:

customEvent 3.0.0
system, 3.0.0
security or
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Re: BUG: dzvents: customEvent.dump() not available  [SOLVED]

Post by waaren »

rrozema wrote: Monday 01 June 2020 23:23 myDevice.dump()
Sorry if this gave you the impression that you could do an customEvent.dump()
It is not what is described nor what is meant.
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Re: BUG: dzvents: customEvent.dump() not available

Post by rrozema »

It is inconsistent that device does support the dump() function and other types don't. The whole idea of calling the dump() function is to get insight into what I am being passed as that 2nd parameter: If I knew what the values and methods of item were I wouldn't need that dump() function, Why not add the function to all types that can be passed as the item parameter to the execute function? Having consistency makes it easier for all to learn how to use dzvents.

For anyone that runs into the same problem: a workaround is to call domoticz.utils.dumpTable(item). Then it works for all types that item can be,
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Re: BUG: dzvents: customEvent.dump() not available

Post by waaren »

rrozema wrote: Tuesday 02 June 2020 0:18 The whole idea of calling the dump() function is to get insight into what I am being passed as that 2nd parameter: I
Sorry but I disagree. The dump() function is certainly not limited for use on 2nd parm of the execute function. You can use it on every device, scene or group to find out the functions, tables and attributes for these objects.
Why not add the function to all types that can be passed as the item parameter to the execute function? Having consistency makes it easier for all to learn how to use dzVents.
Thx for the suggestion. I had a quick look at the code and I don't think it is complicated to implement. I will discuss with the other developers of dzVents and if they also agree it can be part of one of the next beta's
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Re: BUG: dzvents: customEvent.dump() not available

Post by rrozema »

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